100 books, 50 movies, 500 episodes.
This is meant to be during one year, but I only just found out about it so I'm doing April to April for two reasons. a) I only recently found out about it so I couldn't do January to January, and April was the soonest beginning month, and b) my birthday's March 31st so I can do it for the time I'm 17.
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Comments 5
And 100 books? Wow! This is a lot. You love reading?
Wow, 100 books is so much! But then again I read about 15 pages of fiction a day, at least.
*hugs* Good luck hun, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥ ♥
Yeah, I'm thinking 100 books could be pushing myself a little far, but it depends which books I read. If I have a new young adult book, I'll read that in less than two to three hours, probably. But I've got a complete collection of Jane Austen's novels, and I want to read them all, but Pride and Prejudice took me several months. I guess the point is to stretch yourself, though.
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