I've read a random set of books recently, and had some thoughts I'd like to share about them. Some of this could be considered reviews, some is just thoughts.
Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition by Daniel Okrent: It's exactly what it's title says...a very comprehensive history of prohibition, including how it came to be, during it, and how it went away. Very well done, learned a lot of very interesting information, and I strongly recommend it. Being history, it's a little dense, so I put it down for a little bit and picked it back up. However, as a few people can attest, I couldn't stop talking about the book. Amusingly, it's also the first book I've read solely because of the interview on the Daily Show.
Torch of Freedom and Mission of Honor by David Weber: Yes, the two most recent books in the Nth long Honor Harrington series. If you haven't read the series, you're not interested in these. And if you have, well, you know if you are. What I find interesting is that the series has seriously moved from being mostly space opera into being mostly politics. Not bad, but different. The scale keeps expanding. And one nit I've had for the series for quite a while is how he feels that all the characters need to be able to have a not-actually-amusing quip to end each chapter. (And yeah, I realize Torch of Freedom is also by Eric Flint.)
Crashers by Dana Haynes: It's a thriller based on a NTSB airplane crash investigation team. It sets up quite nicely with the team, how they set up the investigation near Portland, and the like. I have no idea if it's accurate around really how it works, but it felt authentic so I really got into it. I was prepared to recommend it, but it's unfortunate that the ending turns into an action movie.
Freedom(TM) by Daniel Suarez: This is a concluding sequel to Daemon. All-in-all a very good pair of books. Basic premise is overlaying a MMRPG structure over the real world including society altering effects. That sentence doesn't quite do the books justice, but it heads in the right direction. Very interesting thoughts and ideas, assuming you get past the suspension of disbelief. (Which isn't hard, as it's pretty well written.) The ending of the first book was a little confused, but I found the ending of the second book very satisfying. Overall, I strongly recommend them!