Pixel Trade: TPBM ALIENS!

Mar 27, 2011 21:15

For once I sadly failed to make CC-free versions of pixel_trade submissions so you're stuck with them and all their gew-gaws.  Just install with Clean Installer and get rid of anything you don't want.  I apologize for the empty-head syndrome you'll end up with in BS if you delete the hair :(

Firstly was a prompt by maranatah: "The person below me will make an alien with unusual skincolor, small eyes, elf ears and wide nose. Personality is outgoing and friendly."

I enjoy making elf-eared, wide-nosed, funnily-colored sims :D

Lulu loves making new friends, dancing, collecting butterflies, and generally being saccharine sweet.  Which is oddly endearing when I would find it nauseating in another sim.  What can I say, she's cute and she knows it XD

Download Lulu

Next was a prompt by mjspice: "TPBM shall make me a sim with Asiatic features. He's rather blue but that doesn't mean he's sad. In fact he has a bit of an ego & seems to think he's God's Gift to the women."

I think I did ok, this was a tough one for me.  Ramen definitely thinks he's some kind of gift to women, even if they repeatedly shoot him down.  He picks himself back up and finds another line to use.  He won't give up until he's got a black eye or two.  What can I say, he just doesn't know when to give up.

Download Ramen

sims 2, download: sim, pixel_trade: tpbm

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