Not bad today. Spent most of the time upstairs in the DI office working on projects, and then I left early to go to choir practice. It was a good day. *g*
Project 1-Intellectual Twaddle (aka the "Building Better Sentences" course)
Into lecture 15, and I gotta say, I'm getting psyched on the idea of writing *something* just so I can use the things the prof has been lecturing on. So far, I give this one the thumbs up.
Project 2-Musical-Social-Spiritual Twaddle (aka Choir)
Choir practice was today. And the song for Sunday? It'll be sweet. Happy with this one. *g*
As for the daily devotional booklet, I gave up looking for it and just bit the bullet and picked up a new one at church. so now I've got a weeks worth to get through in a day or two. (They're generally really really short.)
Project 3-Physical Twaddle (aka ScaleBack program)
The official weigh-in was also today. I currently weigh X. We will (hopefully) refer to my weight from here on in as "X-n", in the hopes that I actually loose weight with this gig. *g*)
Okay. For the link-o-the-day, I..I just had to post this. I'm not even a big fan of the show,'s just so much fun! *G*