Refuse the path of the drone. Refuse the rules. Refuse their way, and any other way. Shoulders down, knees bent, elbows out. Plow forward without conern for your fellow man, and soon you will hear the voices of many, steadfast with your leadership and dominance. The trail is tough, my friend... but it is the will to create it in which true courage is found. Whiskey in one hand, flamethorwer in the other, along side a mind armed with the sharpest of thoughts...
What in heaven's name makes you think you're so freaking important, or that only you have any problems? It's not that they look down on you, it's that you're so freaking insecure that you look for excuses to complain, so you can whine to your friends that aren't here in a pathetic manner. You make huge deals out of nothing, and then just let it stew inside you like a sickness while you come up with "cool" ways of writing it. People here like you Joel, you just shut out everyone who tries to follow the rules, and act like a total jerk.
Welcome to real life, and pride goeth before the fall.
Point 1: Joel is important because important people say he his. That includes me, Robyn, Wendy, EJ, and a bunch of other people that matter only slightly less than we do.
Point 2: Writing into a journal is not "stew"ing, it's cathartic.
Point 3: Must it be said again? SIGN IN or say it in person. God hates anonymous posters.
BOIIII YOU CRAZY! Do you even know Joel? From the way you talk about him it sounds as if YOU DO NOT. Consider for a second that Joel is maybe likkkkkeeeee stepping out of the BYU mold, and that he possesses something crazy like free thought. I know its wacky, but I think that it's both bold and brave. I respect Joel for not only being a hardcore mutha, but also for not being walked all over by his fellow students. P.S. I am with Katie and Joel on the annonomous posting thing, it seems so weak to just post without putting your name to it, if you really believe everything you say, shouldn't you be willing to back it up with the identification of who you are?
Thank you katie, I think is is safe to say that we all hate anonymous posters. If anyone is going to run the show here its going to be all of us. EJ because of his braun and street smarts, Katie for her creativity and loud opinions, Wendy for her consoling nature, and Robyn for her kind heartedness and her lovely singing. Collectively, we are kings and queens of the world and to put it as Wendy so eloquently did, it look mighty damn good on us too.
listen up mother freaker. if you post anonymously, that simply says nothing but the fact that you have given me the right to give you an identity. buckle up, because you are about to "become". i know these things about you, and have never met you
( ... )
EJ, not even I could have put that eloquently. These anonymous punks need to learn whose boss and to step out of our way when we come charging through. Only eight weeks left, I'm still standing strong.
Sorry, I don't have a LiveJournal and didn't know how to put down a name. Excuse my ignorace.
First off, none of you have lived with Joel between the dates of Jan 9th and March 1st, so you know nothing about it.
Katie: Sorry but as nice and pretty as you seem, stating an opinion doens't make it fact. And the stewing part wasn't while he was typing, the stewing was while he spent a month in our room with no lights on.
Leduce: Yes, I do know Joel, obviously. And I do possess free thought. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me a drone incapable of thinking things of my own.
EJ: 1:No 2:I disagree 3:Nah 4:Yes, I will agree to that, but things could always be worse. 5:That's just stupid 6:Duh, and irrelavent 7:Not true 8:Also not true 9:I will agree.
You people are all way too angry, and think far too much of yourselves. Dont be so mean to people just for expressing their opinion, which you all do so freely.
Comments 12
Welcome to real life, and pride goeth before the fall.
Point 2: Writing into a journal is not "stew"ing, it's cathartic.
Point 3: Must it be said again? SIGN IN or say it in person. God hates anonymous posters.
P.S. I am with Katie and Joel on the annonomous posting thing, it seems so weak to just post without putting your name to it, if you really believe everything you say, shouldn't you be willing to back it up with the identification of who you are?
Sorry, I don't have a LiveJournal and didn't know how to put down a name. Excuse my ignorace.
First off, none of you have lived with Joel between the dates of Jan 9th and March 1st, so you know nothing about it.
Katie: Sorry but as nice and pretty as you seem, stating an opinion doens't make it fact. And the stewing part wasn't while he was typing, the stewing was while he spent a month in our room with no lights on.
Leduce: Yes, I do know Joel, obviously. And I do possess free thought. Disagreeing with you doesn't make me a drone incapable of thinking things of my own.
2:I disagree
4:Yes, I will agree to that, but things could always be worse.
5:That's just stupid
6:Duh, and irrelavent
7:Not true
8:Also not true
9:I will agree.
You people are all way too angry, and think far too much of yourselves. Dont be so mean to people just for expressing their opinion, which you all do so freely.
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