[ supernatural stuff ]

Jun 14, 2014 14:08

A Brief History

In Cecil Ackerman's world, Necromancy emerged as a form of magic in the public eye around the early 20th century, though it had existed long before that. Indeed, the time between the beginning of the century in 1900 and the beginning of World War 2 in his world marked an increase in the reveal of the so-called supernatural; vampires, werewolves, seers, elementalists and the like all became public knowledge, were feared, and then grudgingly accepted, and then monitored by the government.

Despite what you may expect, the reveal of the supernatural didn't much affect his Earth's history; there were separate units in the army for these types of creatures and users, and they found them to be effective in some places, and useless in others. The government consulted, observed, and eventually imposed licenses for some, restrictions, registrations. The registrations were eventually rescinded for some, but a new set of laws was put into place.

"The Supernatural Laws"
Certain laws came into effect to deal with the new flood of the supernatural. Though these aren't the exact wordings of the laws, they give you an idea.
  • Necromancers must be registered, either as a Communicator (Death Magic) or Manipulator (Blood Magic) or have a dual license. They must carry this license at all times.
  • Necromancy is illegal when practiced for profit without a license, subject to a fee and jail time.
  • Using Manipulation or Communication to threaten or harm others is illegal, and is treated the same as an assault or attempt on assault, or murder charge.
  • Necromancers raising a person must "rest" them once their business is done, no matter the wishes of the person raised. Once dead is dead.
  • Werewolves must be registered (it goes on your license).
  • There is no regulation on the turning of werewolves, but it is subject to the same charges as assault or murder when attacked by one.
  • The FDA approves certain drugs and potions for the regulation of werewolves during the moon phase. Some are OTC and others are prescription.
  • Vampires must be registered (it goes on your license).
  • The FDA has approved synthetic blood for vampire use. Vampires who do not wish to use this option may register with the local blood bank or a 'volunteer clinic'  for those who prefer it live.
  • Vampires who bite an unwilling victim or kill them are subject to the same charges as assault and murder.
  • Biting is legal between two consenting adults. It is not legal with anyone under 18 regardless of whether or not they 'agreed'.
  • Turning is legal between two consenting adults. A vampire who turns someone without their permission has just 'killed' them and will be subject to charges. (This usually nets a life sentence or  the death penalty, but there are extenuating circumstances for some.)
  • Elementalists (natural magic users) do not need a license to practice.
  • Elementalists who attack or harm someone are subject to the same charges as assault and murder.

This isn't all of them but these are the ones I can think of right now.


Necromancy requires a license in Cecil's world, either for Communication, Manipulation or  both. As with any thing requiring a license, there are people who practice it without one; this is called 'underground necromancy'. Underground necromancers are used primarily by teenagers looking for a thrill, or whose friends have recently died; sometimes by people who wish to have something signed before they take it to court and will claim that it was signed 'before death', or the like. There are various reasons.

Communication / "Death Magic" : Communicating with spirits via their dead bodies. Requires pulling the spirit back and sealing it in the body, also known as "raising". These rituals usually involve certain symbols and a power circle, a small animal sacrifice (chickens are the popular choice) and an item of the deceased's - something they wore in life, a hair sample, a bone. It also involves blood from the raiser, as this is needed to put down the person after they're raised (also known as "resting").

Raised humans (also slang "zombies") or animals are independent of thought, mind and body to the raiser, but they can be put down again by the raiser. Necromancers can't put down other necromancer's raised humans without redoing the raising ritual to wrest the connection from the first necromancer. This is considered bad form unless necessary.

Communicators are often used by police departments to raise murder victims for testimony, law firms for posthumous discussions and clarifications, and are also hired independently for various other uses. It is illegal to raise a person and then let them go.

Skilled users do not require a whole body to summon the spirit. When the person appears back on earth in spirit form it is termed a 'ghoul' for lack of a better word. Ghoul's must be rested as well, as they can influence the world around them.

Manipulation / "Blood Magic" : Manipulation involves the reanimation or altering of a corpse, without the spirit. In layman's terms it involves the reanimation of the lower brain functions and control of the body via the manipulator, much like a puppet. A manipulator directs corpse movement via this connection. The ritual is similar to the one used to raise spirits in their dead bodies, but does not involve an animal sacrifice.

Manipulators are often used in the army, or in macabre shows or the carnival (usually with a preserved body, which actually can be obtained legally.)

Vampirism in Cecil's world operates as a form of magic. The person being turned must be drained of nearly all blood, then giving the blood of the person biting them in exchange. They 'die' for 24-36 hours and wake up on what would be the second night of their death. Vampires are immune to disease, infection, and heal all wounds within a matter of hours, given enough blood. They are vulnerable to staking through the chest with wood, iron or silver; sunlight; silver in general if ingested. Garlic will not totally repel them but they dislike it. Holy symbols do not harm them, but will if they are made of silver (because it's silver.)

Vampires do not age, and are generally stronger than humans, though it caps out at about twice as strong. They sleep during the day and work at night, making them prime hiring for night jobs. A human turned will then have to register and get a new ID card stating that they are a vampire. Accommodations must be made for them at work.

There are three options available to vampires wanting to eat - blood banks, synthetic blood, or human donors. Some find their human donors personally, or find them at clinics operated by vampire charities or hospitals.

Lycanthropy, also known as werewolfism, occurs when one is bit by a werewolf, or when a werewolf reproduces. The correct term is zoanthrope, as, while werewolves are the most common type, there exist other types of animals as well.  - will add more later -


derp derp add more later.

!supernatural laws, !necromancy history, !necromancy in cecil's world

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