Title: Forever
Rating: G
Genre: General; very, very vague yaoi
Characters: Kakashi, Minato
hammondSummary: Kakashi does not want Minato to leave him.
"And I'm going to live forever," he murmured, almost too low to be heard. He stared out the window of his office and watched the red glow coming from the forest surrounding the village. It made him think of a sunset he had seen once before, many years ago. For a long while he had tried to forget that day, and was successful, until now. He hung his head as he thought of his fallen student.
Putting that memory aside, he turned to his silver-haired friend. The boy had lost his usual bored expression and replaced it with one of fear, anxiety, and anger. The Yellow Flash thought this made the boy look many years older than he really was, although he knew he was still far too young to fully understand the decision he was about to make.
"Please," Kakashi said frantically, "You don't have to do this. There are other ninja, even the Third!" Kakashi moved across the room until he was just mere inches behind the man. He reached up to place his hands on his sensei's shoulders. The Yellow Flash always found this action comforting and quite lovely, but now it only added to his sadness. "I can't lose you," Kakashi said as he rested his head on Minato's shoulder.
"Kakashi," the blond-haired man whispered as he turned around and wrapped his arms around his former student. He had started to weep. "As long as you keep a place in your heart for me," he said while he softly stroked the teen's back, "I will forever be with you. Always remember that I love you."
"But that's not enough. I need you, Minato. I don't know what will happen to me without you and I'm scared!"
A tear rolled down the blond's cheek. Kakashi had never addressed him by his name and it pained him that the first time he heard something so beautiful would also be his last.
"Don't worry. I'm scared too."