Macroceli's Visit. Day 1.

Oct 23, 2009 13:00

For those who don't follow me on FA you get a DELAYED BROADCAST! D:

See what happens when you deprive a dragon of Internet and WoW!!

Despite Duncan's attempts to sabotage my sleep schedule, we managed to get up at a reasonable time to pick up Mac from the airport. Even though BlimpWolf had given me a picture to ID the lost Dino at the airport I promptly lost it and could not remember what he looked like. The cunning plan of holding out a sign with his name on it failing just as badly as I left it at home in the rush to the car. Being the ever cautious one, Mum's real concern being not that of Macroceli's integrity or values but instead the only question raised was "He's not Black, is he?"
Luckily, there are very few wandering dinosaurs at brisbane airport and I was able to identify the rex and abduct him into the back of the wagon with promises of candy and a bike. Fortunately, he had passed the criteria of my racist mum and was allowed a lift home.

Getting home, we bummed around for a short time before planning out the adventure for the day. Under strict instructions from my Roo not to do anything that he may consider fun without him; we decided to head into the city and do the utmost non-fun thing we could think of... explore touristy things and fend of the occasional basilisk invasion.

We started off with a walk through southbank, ensuring to stop and take a hell of a lot of pictures of the children at the beach. After filling our quota of restraining orders, we continued on through the rainforest walk thing, across the riverfront for more pictures then to the citycat to take photos from other harder to reach angles. Traveling most of the brisbane river we got off at newfarm park; where I got us incredibly lost for several days; the things we did to survive shall never be spoken and the bond a dragon and a dino forges when faced against a malicious foe (see:Duncanroo) will last eternitity

Returning world weary we set sail again via city-cat (fast moving ferry) and headed to the second most non-fun place in existence... a museum! I admit this was a pre-empted move on my behalf as I wanted to get a picture of Mac in front of the giant T-Rex display there. We arrived to see the great green creature in it's habitat just as it would have been in the wild: Children climbing over the pidgeon-poo covered monster we waited till died of heat exhaustion before getting some good shots. (The next part was completely freaky and not made up at all o..o ) As we left, the teacher who was neglecting their duties of controlling the little shits yelled out. "Alright guys, time for Muffins" This of course was too good a event to just fall into my lap so I spent a few hours exploiting it; every chance I get to talk about rex's and muffins.

In a crewl twist of fate spat out only by the most unjust god; we headed over to the art gallery to farm some culture experience and hopefully be able to learn the ability to lift our nose and sip tea with an extended pinky. Instead I cross-classed creepy and found a completely dark room with an extended couch and dubbed it the rape room. I was rather concerned that after returning from the toilet Macroceli was in said room with a bunch of children and a small goat. Having a full fix of culture we went outside to do more exploring.

Little did Macroceli know that lurking in it's festering lair of the sky; the sun was planning his timely demise!! Within hours the sun was already was burning off layers of skin/bird poo from the rex's blue hide. We retreated into the city heart to hide behind the concrete jungle. Lots of browsing and walking followed, going into the casino to try and double his spending money wasn't the best idea and the rest of the afternoon was spent busking for money/grabbing a pie and going home.

Which brings us up to date with the adventure today :)
I hope the creativit... err actual events continues to come my way for me to document.. but I am fearful after reading this I may be smothered to death with a pillow by the Rex.


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