Day 2: Greenroo Bane

Oct 23, 2009 13:04

The story so far...
Day 1: Dino Arrives.

Todays update...

Starting off from yesterdays adventure, After factually documenting the day's events we had a few hours rest to recover. After a quick chicken dinner we were joined by the comedic duo sir Iceleron and Koneko. You know you are in perfect company when a conversation starts "I know this is going to sound like a pedophile but...." Other intelligent points of topic was flaming the autistic, Pooing in pools/baths (and aparently printing it on t-shirts) and of course furry drama and politics. An epically tired Dino and Dragon later collapsed into perspective beds, Macroceli spending 15 minutes trying to find his under the mass of pillows and decorations my mum INSISTED to be put on the bed to "welcome" him. That night it seemed it was oz's turn to keep me awake well into the night with a (welcomed) phonecall to talk about the day and how long it would take before Macroceli's body would decompose in a shallow grave of lime.

Today we woke a little later than anticipated. The fact Macroceli woke with no recollection of the terrible things I did to him while he slept shows that my idea of giving someone double dose of rohypnol (regardless to risk of brain damage); keeps sexual assault charges at a all time low. Giving Macroceli a few crayons and a dot to dot page to do something whilst on the bus we headed out to Lone Pine Wildlife reserve.

Arriving at lonepine I quickly had an idea which would bring me to a segment within this journal based solely on the plans to destroy a macro roo. I know there are many of you out there that are with me in my epic plight to bring down the giant green roo but alas FA does not have the space to document such an extensive catalog so we will just stick with the zoo animals. (Also note: what we did and in order actually is reflective in this piece)
Animals which will help me defeat Duncanroo
Dinosaurs: More research required.
The pre-forged friendship between Macro Rex 'n' Roo has been hard to destroy. Subtle comments and mind control tactics have fallen to waste as the Rex has neither subtly or a mind. However his insight into the intricate existence I have gotten from Mac has been quite helpful. I am still skeptical of his allegiance as the only way I have been able to administer his loyalty and devotion is through a tyrant's fist. Ever seen a 1 foot dragon keep control of a dinosaur? It's no easy achievement but by no means out of my reach.
Koalas: Poor
After arriving at the park; we went directly to the Koala exhibit because there was a demostration about them. Macroceli and I learnt valuable information about how vicious Koalas really were.. After one shredded the intestines clean out of the presenter I decided this would be a fantastic addition to the rising army of Duncan-hate and after the show I sent macroceli to have a photo taken with such a fierce creature.. to prove his bravery. Sadly it seems that Koala's are insubordinate and despite my orders for the Koala to piss all over Macroceli's front... he did not obey.

Other Kangroos: Average
After the bloodbath that was the Koala experience we decided to get into the mindset of our adversary. Taking a peace-offering of bags of food we went to the Kangaroo Enclosure to feed them and find out inside information from the roo's kin. It seems that Macroceli's disease of roo-affinity is deeper than I had first thought. I took many photos of the roo's accepting the blackmail/food to use as future evidence if Macroceli decides to betray me and runs back to the evil green vile macro. Hours passed and still the Kangaroos had no helpful knowledge but may be used as a valuable mercenary in the final battle. Oh the pain it must bring knowing that your own kin will destroy you for the cost of a bag of food.

Scrub Turkeys: Great
Scrub turkeys proved to be quite the asset. After many bribes were handed to the roos we decided to have some lunch of our own. At the eatery we watched as the scrub turkey revealed it's gift of self divide and multiply. Before our eyes after eating only 1 hot chip a single Scrub turkey had become 10. Fearing what overpopulation would occour if we fed them anymore than one we quickly ate our food as the horde of Scrubturkey watched our every move. After taking our fill we fed them more; the numbers grew and after a long winded recruitment speach they devoted their lives and numbers to our cause.

Rainbow Lorrikeets (birds): Fail
The final attempt of recruiting was at the Wild bird feed. Requiring an ally with the gift of flight would prove useful in the battle against something as large as Duncan. Continuing the theme of bribing with food we fed the Rainbow lorrikeets who came and left as they pleased. For a while I was excited to see that the birds adhered to the commands to throw their seed at Macroceli but they came and went as they pleased and seemed to be more concerned with the oriental-folk. Still a few more evidence shots were taken then we headed to the gates to leave.

The trip home was uneventful. In tradition of all long distance transportation I fell asleep within a few moments, dreaming of schemes and twisted ploys. Overcrowded and late bus' make for a long ride home; we arrived home to quickly check Furaffinity and twitter before we were abducted into the night.

The nights plans were rather solvent, FoxyMalone, Nikita, Iceleron, Koneko, myself and Mac went to the local sporting club and bingo hall for a dinner out. I was suprised I still had my old member card there and with a quick renew we waded past the wheelchairs and walking frames in the sea of mindless elderly. That was everyone EXCEPT for Ice as the bear was taking advantage of the "Free" handwash santaiser. Aparently having disinfected hands is only rewarding when it is on a stand beside a bunch of poker-machines. Failing in his attempts to recruit others to foolishly fawn over the sanatizer he joined us on the quest to clamber through the elderly. Picking a few of the weak ones off we got to the bistro to be tormented by the counter clerk. Behind the glass was a cube of crisp; crackling pork that made everyone's mouth water, upon requesting it we were advised that for utmost no reason that meal was unavailable. That was of course everyone except Iceleron who had found ANOTHER hand sanatizer unit and was merrily killing off all the germs that would have infected his hands between walking a few feet from the previous one.

For most part the dinner was fantastic, the usual bantering and talking about oz and his antics followed. We got some crazy old couple giving us the death-glare because we were talking and laughing (at a respectful level) but nothing nearly as embarassing as being seen in public with Koneko. Desert arrived for those who wanted it and Koneko decided that his was better spent spat across the table and onto me. After I obtained my sight back we quickly gathered our stuff and left save any other outburst of food fight where the elderly there may have been disrupted from a game of bingo or blowing thier pension on the pokies.

Tommorrow's chronicles will not be as eventful as it is a dedicated day of rest. Though I suspect I may continue to work on corrupting Macroceli more :)

Not Quite Dead...
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