So there's this movie that came out last year and is now on DVD. Yet I've never heard of it until now. It's called "HEll Ride". Awesome movie. Scope it out.
I am as merry as can be. I got a fifth of Jameson, and The Big Lebowski. Of course I also got socks. Can't go wrong with socks. I also went ahead and bought Left 4 Dead for my self. It truely is an awesome game. Have a good one y'all.
It makes me feel good when I walk into a Wal-Mart and pick up the display guitar for Rock Band 2 and wow a crowd of 11 year olds. I was only playing on hard and it wasn't the most difficult song, but I don't believe I've ever got more compliments in my life. Thank you 11 year olds, for making me feel like I've made a difference in the world.