Title: Business Trips Suck, Especially When You’re Not With Me
Rating: G
Timeline: Post 513
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
“I miss you, daddy.”
“I know, me too little buddy-“
“Hey! I’m not little anymore. I’m six and a half years old, that’s half way to being a teenager.”
With a chuckle, Brian continues, “Well, isn’t someone growing up fast?”
“Very funny, daddy. Here’s papa.”
“Hey baby.”
A comfortable silence hangs between the couple as they simply listen to each other’s steady breathing.
“I know that you’ve only been gone two days, but god; I’ve missed hearing your voice.” Justin admits.
“Well, hopefully the contract will be signed tomorrow, and I’ll be able to come home early.”
“Can’t wait.”