It is time for a new challenge! For this week, you'll have to do up to 3 icons expressing a strong emotion. It can be a shock, burst into tears, into laugh, a scream,... The character should express a very powerful emotion. Examples:
vermili -
orangelusik -
emily_reich Please submit up to 3 icons in a new entry tagged with your username.
You can use any kind of image to create your icon(s) as long as the subjects are british.
Please wait one week after the airing to use pictures from a new episode.
DO NOT HOST AT IMGUR. You don't have to use an anonymous host.
No premade icons, only new ones.
All effects are allowed except animations
Any questions? Feel free to ask.
Ideas for challenges? The suggestion post is
DEADLINE: September the 12th, 6 pm GMT (
current time?)