Of all the projects that Damian has done, the three that really stand out in his career, the "Quintessential Must-See Triad" of Damian projects, if you will, are Band of Brothers, Forsyte Saga, and Keane. Given the rave reviews Damian got in all three of these projects, I think it's absolutely mandatory for a true Damian Lewis fan to have
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Comments 12
For the most part, I'm pretty horrible with any kind of film that involves carnage and blood and dismembered limbs, so that would be war,horror,and some sci-fi films. Horror films I absolutely abhor (people are always soooo stupid in these movies, and I hate watching stupid people)! Sci-fi carnage - see my tirade about horror films. War films, on the other hand, I have to take with a grain of salt. If it's carnage for realism, and if it snaps me awake into a greater appreciation of the sacrifices that our soldiers have made, then I will tolerate it. Hard to watch, but tolerated.
I loved that part where Nixon gets shot in the helmet and he's like, "I'm okay, I'm okay.....AM I OKAY?" LOL
And, you're so right about the post-battle remorse. The DL does repressed emotion like nobody's business.
Thanks for this!
I don't ship Win/Nix, but that scene with Nixon getting shot and Winters kinda frantically checking him was just too precious to pass up. I've always thought close male relationships of this sort (platonic, hetero) are so cute because sometimes guys can be all macho bravado "Naw, dude. I'm good. I don't need a hug-" when really all they want is that hug...
Yeah, guys crack me up sometimes. Glad I'm a girl. Don't have to worry about showing physical affection
Guys ARE stupid when it comes to that sort of thing. My favorite? When two guy friends go to the movies and you see them sitting with an extra seat in between them. Oh, grow up, men of the world...grow up!
My favorite pic is DL in bathtub ^__^ (did you have any doubts? ^____^)
I love this picspam because before "Life" I saw DL only in "Dreamcatcher" (I like Stephen King) so you gave me the opportunity to admire him in different versions...can't wait to see the next two of the "Damian Triad"
Yeah, I kinda figure DL in bathtub might be a fav of MANY people. LOL
You poor thing - you've only seen Dreamcatcher? If you can get on to YouTube, you'll find lots more DL stuff out there! Check it out!
oh, yeah, I checked it out (expecially a "Keane" vid in which DL was making out with a (ugly) girl...^_^)
DL in a bathtube is a fav of ALL the people in the entire world!! ^___°
Thanks for sharing!!
It will always be in MY book!
Thanks, adlervan!
Sorry there wasn't more chest-spam. :P
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