a day of reprieve

Jul 27, 2004 12:16

i suppose this will be a quiet day. tif is working and then she will come home quiet and exhausted. my mum is working so i cannot fulfill my daughter duties by entertaining her while at least keeping myself busy ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

fingerpuppets July 27 2004, 13:37:04 UTC
sorry about my phone cutting off today. being in the office gives me no signal and it kills my battery. but i promise to charge it tonight and i will call you again. i hope that number is alright. hope to see you in a few days. cross your fingers lots and lots. :)

love you more.


anonymous August 16 2004, 23:47:33 UTC
M.I.A. again, I see...tsk tsk and for shame. You should catch up with some folk since they're all jettisin off back to school. Bad Brit...very bad. Damn hermit...


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