(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 15:42

1. So, what's your name? Brittany Murphy

2. When's your birthday?  August 19th
3. Where were you born?  Honolulu, Hawaii
4. What color are your eyes?  Brown

5. How tall are you? 5' 7'' ?? 
6. What color is your hair?  Brown
7. -Naturally?  Yes
8. What are you wearing RIGHT NOW?  A tank-top.. a pair of shorts.. :-) .. (i know.. i'm such a trend setter :-))

9. Do you wear glasses/contacts?  I'm supposed to wear glasses but I never remmeber them.. and it doesnt really help that i have no clue where they are.. EVER :-P

10. How old are you? 13.. almost 14 :-)
ACT 2-THE FRIENDSHIPS-Which of your friends is the most...
1. Reliable? Molly or Alicia

2. Humorous? Molly?
3. Superficial? :-X
4. Loud? MOLLY :-) :-)  
5. Deep? eh.
6. Likely to become a minivan mom? SARAH AYER.... (well... either that or a model :-p) 
7. Fashionable? ehh.. not sure
8. Slutty?  Alicia ... just kidding :-).. my friends arent really slutty.. especially since one of them is a mormon :p
9. Likely to succeed? all of them :-)
10. Likely to only get by in life because they're beautiful? I hope none of them

1. Color? Green.. not like.. forest green though...
2. Animal? Turtle :-).. or dogs

3. Food?  watermelon or soy-dogs :-)
4. Alcoholic drink? ahh.. nothing??.. but i bet it'd be something fruity :p

5. Non-alcoholic drink?  Chocolate soy-milk ... oo and mountain dew :-)
6. Songs? Brain crammpppppp!!!

7. Bands?  Maroon five.. Black-eyed peas.. and Kenny Chesney.. or Tim McGraw

8. Movie? Mulan .. :-D  
9. Poster in your room? the 87983457304896709845 pictures that molly, sarah and I drew  :-)
10. Type of music? Country

1. Drank? nope

2. Smoked/got high? nope.
3. Gotten high of something other than drugs? nope

4. Been to a concert?  Yeah.. a buynch... (Tim McGraw this september!!)

5. Had a food fight? haha.. we had a cake fight at the cast party for the play this year :-p
6. Laughed so hard the beverage you were drinking came out your nose? ehh.. yess :-p
7. Gotten detention/suspended/expelled? I had my first detention this year because I broke my arm pulling my softball bag out of my locker and was late and Mr. Donovan was in a bad mood :-/

8. Been out of the country? yeah... canada .. and Jamaica in a week!!!!!!!!

9. Cried in school?  yeah... :-X
10. Hurt yourself/attempted suicide? nope

1. Do you believe there really is one person for everyone? i think there are a few people... so if you never find 'the one', there is another
2. Do you believe that "best friends forever" will ever really last forever? yes
3. Do you think fighting for world peace is like fucking for virginity? uhh.. yes? .. kind of a bold way to put it..

4. Do you believe in God? of course 
5. Do you belief self destruction is really a way to prevent committing suicide? no? ..what??
6. What do you think of death? It has to happen

7. Do you think looking at a photograph is better than the moment you take the photograph? yes..
8. Thoughts on abortion? If you're mature enough to have sex, than you're mature enough to have a baby.. but in certain cases (i.e. rape, etc. its okay)
9. Thoughts on gay marriage? whatever.. its people's own choice.. i do believe that it goes against the bible, but its the 21st century.. come onn... dont be so vainnnn
10. What do you think Frank Sinatra really meant when he "left his heart in San Francisco"? that he left his heart in San Fransico :-0 :-0

ACT 6-NAME ASSOCIATION-Who do you think of when you hear these names?
1. Adam- Sandler
2. Bianca- Hanna.. her friend from her dads
3. Derek- Lindsey's lover... just kidding :-p
4. Elyse- Kristyn's friend from camp

5. Jake- Ally Hutchins  .. her brother                                                                   '

6. Kelly- Alicia.. her mom
7. Leigh- Amber

8. Quinn-a movie.. dont know
9. Rick- Charette.. hhaha .. her wrote 'i love mud' :p haha
10. Sandra-dee. wooot! Greased lightning.. gooo greased lightning!

1. Hugged: ALicia.. or molly.. i dont remember
2. Kissed: nick (brotherr)
3. Had a crush on: :-X ;-P

4. Bit: molly.. when she trried to pinch me last night.. WITH HER TOES!!!!
5. Received a call from: motherr
6. Got together with: Molly and Alicia

7. Got in a fight with: my mom
8. Did childish things with: dont know.... a bunch
9. Laughed so hard you cried with: molly of course
10. Had a deep conversation with: mmm....donno.

1. Thing you touched: grey.. the keyboard
2. Thing you ate: gumm

3. T-shirt you wore: blue.. my Tommy-Hilfiger 8-)
4. Phone you talked on: grey.. celll

5. CD you listened to: Maroon 5
6. Color you dyed your hair: .. nothing??
7. Wall you painted: dark blue.. no white
8. Nail polish you used: shinny pink :-)
9. Underwear you wore: white with frilly pink lace :-)
10. House you were in (aside from your own): White .. with dark blue trim :-)

1. What's the last photograph you took? from cammy's camera... .
2. What's your bra size? noneya!
3. Take the thing nearest to you that has writing on it. Turn to the first page. Tell me the word in the third paragraph, third line, 9th word in: ''vanished''

4. What color are your socks? none... flip-flops 
5. Do you think your personality is attractive? haha nooo
6. What's the weirdest thing you have in your room right now? this headband/ hat thing.. it has a witches hat and pig tails :p

7. What was the last book you read AND FINISHED? Ughh..i dont know.. Pride and Prejudice?
8. What was the last foreign country you visited? Canada?

9. When's the last time you ate chocolate? an hour or two ago?

10. Didn't you love this survey? not a bit

1. Why is your username the username that it is? Because my name is Brittany :-) .. and my birthday is on the 19th and 'brittany1915' was already taken so i did my old favorite number.. 11

2. What is your icon? It says 'dance like no ones watching'  my favorite quote.. molly and I made it :-)

3. How many LJ/GJ friends do you have? 25 ishh? nah.. no idea 
4. How often do you go on LJ/GJ? ehh... mainly when i'm very bored
5. How many communities are you in? 3.. a bmw :-), the notebook, and a vegitarian one

6. Where is your computer? the office
7. What was your first ever LJ/GJ name? brittany1515
8. Did you make your first layout? Molly :-).
9. Did you notice that the epilogue was entirely about LJ and GJ except for question 6? woo.. crazyy how that worked out.. :-p
10. Do you think your friends are going to steal this and post with their own answers? probably not.. and i bet no one will read it :-P .. but what the heck!  :-)

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