
Jul 13, 2005 23:27

hey peoples! I had a good day today. I went to basketball practice, my room floor is done!!! Now just modling and paint!!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!! I talked on the phone today too. Went ot my grandmother's to drop off food, walked the dogs went to band practice I saw Livie there. Played a little basketball with th elittl eboys next door ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

boxochocolates July 14 2005, 03:51:19 UTC
Raine comes back saturday and i think William comes back two weeks later.


harp_of_hell July 14 2005, 03:53:44 UTC
Awesome... I'll add you and you can add me too.


sora_mimi_cake July 14 2005, 07:02:33 UTC
HA HA HA HA! * old lady voice * Now those is just your Clarinet Lips. You'll only have them for....Like...probably forever. But they'll get better. Mm hmm. * regular voice * Dude! You're playing varsity soccer next year?! DUDE!!!


littlelulu1358 July 14 2005, 08:32:43 UTC
Glad your room is done!

William wil be bacl the 26 me the 16. We heard that Jason called about Varsity football so Yeah william can get bac to him when he gets home.


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