one infection
two infection
ear infection
last friday: home sick with fever
saturday: absolutly fine
sunday: over exhausted
monday: happy and feeling great in a state of total birthday and lots-of-chocolate hyperness
monday night: terrible awful soar throat. it hurt to eat my birthday cake (but i did anyway, hehe)
tuesday: home sick, went to the doctors which did absolutly nothing
wednesday: went to school late, went through the day feeling pretty crappy at first, then 6th/7th period was better, than after school my ear started feeling funny/like it was clogged.. couldn't hear right
thursday (today): went to doctors bright and early with terrible throat pains, awful headache, and nose so stuffy i couldn't breath out of it. turns out i have an ear infection, and some throat yuckiness, plus no reasoning for nose but its stuffy
the doctor wanted me to take like, 5 different meds for pain and stuff, but i said no. i hate medication. i hate things that alter your state of mind or change who you are or mess with you in any way really. and things like pain medication... it's like, relieves pain, side effect.. death. well, not death, but every other thing in the world... "heart attacks, ceisures, constipation, dehydration, nausea, and on and on, etc etc".
so basically, i'm taking 1 prescription med for the ear, aleve for headache/throat, and claritan for nose. i hate this.
hope everyone else in the world is doing well.