I agree. 182% agreeing here. I don't even get home until 6 or 7 on most nights anywho, and then have to eat dinner and still have about 2-4 hours of hw.. that doesn't get done... cause i'm lazy and think it's hopeless to even start unless it has to be turned in... eh oh well. teachers will be teachers and even if we didn't have a warmup and waste that class time, we would have even more "practice" over what we've been working on for the last hour and a half. soo... i think warmups are here to stay whether we like it or not and really they take up class time which is nice cause you don't have to turn them in... meaning you can not pay attention. pointless from the teacher's perspective, somewhat useful from the lazy student's perspective... eh that didn't make sense, but yeah go with it.. long comment. sry. see ya tomorrow in band! Megan
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