break down

Jan 09, 2006 16:05

things i should work on

my grades because i am so lazy and could have done so much better
my weight because i gained over 20 pounds and everyone just looks at me
my voice because i absolutely suck and have no more drive
my money situation because i am brokee


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Comments 1

carcar32088 January 11 2006, 00:46:42 UTC
First of all, you are beautiful. I don't know what drugs you are on but don't ever think otherwise. I think this whole "everyone just looking at you" is in your imagination.

Secondly, your voice is beautiful, too. It's still my favorite (shhh don't tell)

Thirdly, I love you. Be happy, okay? :) And come visit Feehan and interrupt my stats class...please?!?!?


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