WiLL MiSS YoU!dulce_kit_katDecember 15 2004, 14:39:15 UTC
Thanks for the comment on my journal. It's deft. been fun this past couple weeks or month...chillen at my house, and PaRTyInG .. LOL we were AwEsOmE beer pong Partners! and well it was great all those other times when we were just being goofy. Ha Ha .. and the PiCs! WOW CRAZY!! Remember the damn plant?? oh GosH .. LoL. I'll miss you while i'm away, but don't worry. I'LL BE BACK!! and we'll have to make more great memories and funny pics! He He .. Have fun but don't forget to ThInK AbOuT mE ;-) i'll think about all of you guys!!! Update your journal more often too so i can see what your up to, and i'll deft. do the same down there! WeLL..Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to YoU!! Ha Ha
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MuCH <3 GiRL
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