Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
Jeeze, how do you do this? You write a ton of fic, yet it's all good. I'll be happy if I can finish one story that's half as good. I love the plot of this and can't wait to see where you're going with it.
Thank you. ;-) To be honest I wasn't planning on writing this and then it came to me yesterday almost fully formed. Which never happens to me - I actually write quite slowly. Bizarre, I guess I'm just in fic mode at the moment!
I'm trying to be serious and take in the brevity of this whole situation you're spinning here, but...
*fangirls* ...ok, I'm good now. (Y'know, it's sad, but I am that much of a Tom Cavanagh fangirl. I was watching the premiere of his new show two weeks back, 'n when he started running 'round that office building to George Michael I just started screaming "GO AARON GO!" Nevermind that that character is Connor. xD;; )
I love this, though. What-if fics like this (especially when they go about questioning an entire show's canon) have been a personal kink of mine ever since Joss pulled that stunt in Buffy with "Normal Again", and I love where you're taking this so far. You handled their reactions brilliantly, and I can't wait to see where this goes.
Well, if Daddy Stone stays, maybe alt!verse isn't as bad as Eli thinks? ;P
I'm really hoping we get at least one more scene with Tom before the show's over. Yeah, he was prob'ly busy with goofing off on the filmings for Trust Me, but he was Aaron first. =C
Comments 10
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i loved it!!!
Hope you enjoy the rest of it, too.
*fangirls* ...ok, I'm good now. (Y'know, it's sad, but I am that much of a Tom Cavanagh fangirl. I was watching the premiere of his new show two weeks back, 'n when he started running 'round that office building to George Michael I just started screaming "GO AARON GO!" Nevermind that that character is Connor. xD;; )
I love this, though. What-if fics like this (especially when they go about questioning an entire show's canon) have been a personal kink of mine ever since Joss pulled that stunt in Buffy with "Normal Again", and I love where you're taking this so far. You handled their reactions brilliantly, and I can't wait to see where this goes.
Speaking of which, I'm off to read Pt2 now. C=
I loved Tom Cavanagh on the show so I simply had to bring him back. Even if he's older and greyer. <3
I'm really hoping we get at least one more scene with Tom before the show's over. Yeah, he was prob'ly busy with goofing off on the filmings for Trust Me, but he was Aaron first. =C
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