Title: Dream Awake Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Eli, Nate, others Summary: After the fight with his brother, after the nosebleed, Eli wakes up in hospital. He's not prepared for what happens next. Post episode 209
The Fiduciary! I've been trying to figure out how you'd resolve all this, but that didn't occurred to me. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you go next.
Oh, I see what you did there, Ms. Poe-Referencer. ;P (I'm not complaining; I have an excellent batch of middle school memories attatched to that particular short story. <3)
I absolutely adored this chapter. I'd been waiting for the Fiduciary to show up (I was even getting crazy-headed 'n wondering if maybe Dr. Fields was another cover-up for her), and I love how you worked her in. Love how you're writing Jordan, too. He's just rocking this fic. xD
Though you have got me curious, now. I was all excited to see a potential bitch-slapping from Frank over this whole Dark Truth ordeal (in show and fic, yes), but now I'm wondering just what the Fiduciary's got to say.
The blatant Poe reference I couldn't resist. But knowing what he knows - and not knowing how and/or if he should or how to replicate all his previous hard work - is weighing on the poor guy.
Yeah, sorry about that - Dr. Fields was a complete and utter red herring. Or was he? Bwa ha ha ha!
Hey, did this ever get finished up anywhere, or any hints on how it was going to resolve? You are a really talented writer; I wouldn't be surprised if you wrote professionally! Really enjoying your stories!
Comments 9
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I just love that Eli is a bit of a Star Wars dork. ;-)
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Because ABC sucks! (It bears repeating...)
I absolutely adored this chapter. I'd been waiting for the Fiduciary to show up (I was even getting crazy-headed 'n wondering if maybe Dr. Fields was another cover-up for her), and I love how you worked her in. Love how you're writing Jordan, too. He's just rocking this fic. xD
Though you have got me curious, now. I was all excited to see a potential bitch-slapping from Frank over this whole Dark Truth ordeal (in show and fic, yes), but now I'm wondering just what the Fiduciary's got to say.
Yeah, sorry about that - Dr. Fields was a complete and utter red herring. Or was he? Bwa ha ha ha!
P.s.: You, madame, are evil. I'm so proud. *tear!sniff*
I never did finish this... Slack, I know. But they took my show away! :-(
If I ever get back to it it'll be posted here. Who knows, inspiration may strike yet. Thanks for reading!
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