Title: Fade to Black Pt 4 - Follow the Yellow Brick Road Summary: What do you want most in the world? Post episode 1x18. Rating: T Characters: Jane, Van Pelt
This is lovely so far. I knew I recognized your name, but couldn't place it until I saw the Eli Stone picspams. Would you mind if I friended you as we have at least two fandoms in common (even if one is coming to an end, sigh.)?
This is probably sacrilegious as an Eli Stone fan, but other than a few episodes, I haven't enjoyed this season nearly as much as I did the first. I love Maggie and Maggie/Eli and I don't buy where her character has gone at all, and while S1 ended with Maggie/Eli as endgame, they are already pointing to Grace (ugh, go away memories of Katie Holmes) as the love of his life, his destiny, etc. and that blurb from the creators basically completely confirming that just broke my heart, so I'm kinda happy that it's ending where it is in terms of Maggie/Eli, if not exactly liking where Maggie was taken, or the whole Grace excursion.
oooooo this is good!!!! I love it and you have captured them really well! Hurray for you and hurray for me for getting a chance to read it! Please tell me you are going to continue???
Hee, thanks! Yes, I hope to continue, once the show provides suitable inspiration. (The Jane/Van Pelt interaction can be a bit thin on the ground, sadly.)
Comments 9
I really like this series btw.
Glad you like it!
bonus points for the playground sceneeeeeee
Also, I think you gave us more Cho than the ep did XD
I suppose I'd better freaking get somewhere with this series.
Speaking of that other fandom, I get to watch the last episode in a couple of hours. Woe is me!
Phew, didn't meant to go on so much.
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