Jun 02, 2010 12:17
[The zoo's aquarium had recently obtained a killer whale, who had received a short breath of freedom during ratings week, and that orca was currently on the bottom of the tank, his nose up against the corner. Every now and then, he would send a few sulky bubbles to the surface.
Things weren't going well for him, he had just been set free from Paradise Island back home, and he had ended up here. Though, near immediately upon his arrival, he had been sent to the ratings island. While the water was warmer than he was used to, White Fang had mistakenly believed he was free.
When he had come back to the aquarium, he had spent days trying to leap out of the tanks. He splashed, whacked his fins, and bit at the trainers that ran the zoo. He refused to eat the dead fish, and when he was hungry, would eat his smaller tankmates. That was an improvement over Paradise Island, there, he had only had fish that were pre-killed and not fresh.
White Fang also refused to be in any shows and didn't cooperate with anyone. He spent most of his time swimming in circles or sulking like he was now.]
white fang