Title: The Colors of Rage Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Sometimes Raph just needs to hit something. However, other times...not so much.
Title: Wasting Away Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Leo knows that there's something going on with Raph. He just never expected it to be something of this magnitude.
Title: Sleep, Snuggly Bear, Sleep Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: When Dick is sick, it falls to Tim to take care of him. Thanks to Kathy for the beta work.
Title: Transparent Fears Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Raph faces his worst fear. Note: Thanks to Grungekitty for the idea.
Title: Never Again Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Raph doesn't want to let anyone control him ever again. Note: Possible spoilers for S4E4 (The Outlaw Armaggon) Thanks to Grungekitty for the idea.
Title: Trust Issues Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Dick just wants to take care of his family. Thanks to Kathy for the beta work.
Title: Purple Arrow Author: Brokaw22 Rating: T Summary: Roy encounters a 15-year-old Lian from a different Earth. Spoiler Alert for Cry for Justice 7 Thanks to Kathy for the beta work.
Title: Wasting Away Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Leo knows that there's something going on with Raph. He just never expected it to be something of this magnitude.
Title: Wasting Away Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Leo knows that there's something going on with Raph. He just never expected it to be something of this magnitude.
Title: Shampoo and Cornstarch Author: Brokaw22 Disclaimer: The norms Rating: T Story Synopsis: Mikey is left home alone for three hours, thus Doctor Prankenstein strikes again.