Title: Home
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything.
“So, Yunho-shi, we’re all interested to know about the perfect home you have in mind. Indulge us, please.”
Before, he honestly didn’t have one. Just an apartment for him to live in piles in. Perhaps a mirrored length of wall would be a bonus.
Home meant piano music, console-game BGM, 1.86m of whining hunger pangs and metal clanks of culinary business. Clipped-up hair, nimble fingers and a waist that fit in his arms.
Yes, it would definitely have to have Jaejoong.
He swallowed the answer heavy on his tongue, smiling,
“Perhaps just an apartment. And mirrors. Lots of them.”
A/N: This is really what I’d like Yunho to be thinking when he answers interview questions. Even if his words are restrained, his heart isn’t, right? ♥
P/S: It shocked me when I realised I haven’t posted for 24 days. But in my defense, I updated three chapters on the 3rd XD But, still, I’m sorry! It’s not that I haven’t been writing, there’ve been too many things I’ve been converting to plots and now I have three one-shots half-written and another two plots I’m refining! I’m alive!! I’m sorry and please stay with me, babies~