It took me entirely too long to gather animated gifs for this "quickie" SotP.
ME: God, July was so awful. I was so emotionally worn for most of it, and because I pretty much shut down for awhile, I didn't get sufficiently caught up until the middle of August, just in time for school to start. I've got my school schedule all written up already, though, and am feeling comfortable with how much I have to do and when I need to do it, so I feel ready to properly get back into gameplay.
Apologies to the folks who should have gotten a tag on the Lux/Jane EP last night. LJ started giving me varnish errors and wouldn't process the icons I bought for Lux, so I gave up and went to bed. :P
SHARI COOPER: Had some really wonderful threads in her private clinic EP, thanks to everyone who tagged it. She's turned a really important corner, and it's going to be incredibly difficult for her, but she's committed to being better about letting people in more, so she should have some interesting gameplay coming up.
Powers: Probably not.
SIRIUS BLACK: Oh, you know. Just been chillin' on a rock in the sea. He's going to have at least one more one-shot before the end of the month, maybe two, showing him getting increasingly pitiful out there. Catchin' crabs. Collectin' water. Gettin' his Davos Seaworth on. But don't worry, I'm not killing him, and when he gets back there will be tears and a sexy new short haircut. I've got a ton of new pics saved to make him icons, I hope I find the time before his return.
Powers: No, he'll still be recuperating.
PEPPER POTTS: Has been horribly neglected. Her emo post with Peter last month happened at a bad time for me and I kind of shut down, but I intend to either EP her or just get her out more during the end of this month and next. I'm pretty sure I'm going to put her in the GAE party.
Powers: HELL YES.
CALIBAN LEANDROS: Is continuing to be himself. Had a confrontation with Sarah and that was awkward. I'm really glad I EPed him at the end of July as planned. I especially enjoyed his thread with Columbus, even though it was short, and I'd like to thread those two more in particular but I'd like to get Cal out more in general. Amnesia in October~
Powers: I doubt it. I think it would just freak him out and he'd be afraid his brain would explode for reasons from canon. XD
LUX CASSIDY: Isn't pregnant. She's glad but Jason is taking it hard, as it came along with a bunch of other tough stuff for him. She's feeling better lately, though, trying to keep on and keep busy. I'm pretty sure she's going to the rave, and I'd like to strengthen her existing friendships and make her some new ones.
Powers: I doubt it.
CLARK KENT: It's weird, because despite that he had several threads in an EP last month and will be throwing the GAE party this coming week, I feel like I've been resting on my laurels with him. I need to get him meeting some more new people, but beyond that, I need to find some more folks for him to develop deeper relationships with. From there, I can usually scratch together plot. Probably by the time we head into December plot, I'll be ready for him to be conflicted over some lady friends (Assuming we don't get a Lois before then), so if you have some ladies who might click with Superman, hit me up.
Powers: Probably. He misses them so badly.
TONY STONEM: Is in the calm before the storm. Effy is on the island and he and Billy are having sex, so he's been in that initial flush of contentment. However, things are far from resolved with Maxxie, and next month he will be finding and watching 2x01, which will be a massive blow. Also, Mala says she's apping Teddy (Billy's boyfriend from canon), and there is no way that is going to go well. While I don't think Tony will be in the same sort of downward spiral he was in prior ro Effy's arrival, I think he'll probably revert to being cold, calculating and vicious.
Di, we need threads. All the threads, all the time.
Powers: LOL, god. IDK. Maybe.
JANE FOSTER: Has plot coming up where she gets to be science-y, which is good, but will result in more frustration. (I'm remembering at the end of Wonderland plot when Rodney just threw a fit and stalked off, LOL.) I think that it's going to be a constant fight for quite a long time to try and get her to see the futility of what she's trying to accomplish as well as the good things she's got. I need to find her some projects for the island that actually make her feel like she's accomplished something.
Oh, and there's that God of Mischief guy skulking around now. :D
Powers: Um, maybe. We'll see.
FREDDIE MCLAIR: Has kind of sorted his shit out. For now. It will go to shit again soon, as it invariably does, but for now it's mostly okay, albeit a delicate peace. I want to get him out and making friends ASAP now that I know better where he's at emotionally, as I feel that's critical to allowing him to move from his currently fragile state to the more zen, steady boy I'm aiming for. I keep wondering if I've been having him too vulnerable and too emotional, and then I remember what happened to him. D: Anyway, he'll be at the rave and will be getting his first EP next month.
Powers: Nope.
LIONEL TRANE: Will be debuting sometime next month. If you haven't watched USoT, you can't possibly know how fucking fabulous this character is, but you can trust me when I say he is AMAZING and you will LOVE HIM. There's going to be some weird shit with Moosh and probably Maxxie, but mostly I just want to get him out and meeting EVERYONE.
Powers: He already has the power of being fabulous, what more do you need?