(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 15:07

Here is the second part to my How Many Times fanfiction.

After Clark sped his way through traffic and crowds, to the caves, he dropped Lana to her feet. He proceeded to show her the rest of his abilities. With each demonstration, Lana’s eyes grew wider. Never in her wildest dreams, did she imagine that Clark could do everything that he was showing her. She knew that he was different, but his constant promises that he wasn’t hiding anything from her made her think he was just a little odd.
“You’ve been there, every time, haven’t you? It was you who rescued me from everything.”
“I could never let anything happen to you, Lana.”
“You’ve said that before, haven’t you?” Clark just looked at her. “This is my dream, isn’t it?”
“Not exactly. What happened in your dream, happened already.”
“Why’d you take it back?”
“You know now. Does it really matter?”
“To me, it does.”
“I can’t.”
“Clark, just tell me.”
“I hardly think that it could be as bad as you make it out to be.”
“I watched you die!”
“I told you…I showed you…I asked you to marry me, and you said yes. It was all perfect until you went to Lex. He knew that you knew...There was a car chase, and your car was hit by bus.” Lana took a step back. “This is one of the reasons that I never told you. I wasn’t there to protect you…and now you hate me.”
“You’re afraid of me?”
“No, Clark, I’MARTHA:- not. I’m not. I’m just a little…confused.”
“About why you left it so long to tell me.”
“I just told you what I saw.”
“Yes, but, Clark, we have known each other for almost all our lives. We were together and you still kept this from me.”
“I thought I was protecting you.”
“The harsh reality of my life. It’s dangerous to know me. To know the truth, anyway.”
“Who else knows?”
“Pete knew. My parents. Chloe.”
“Chloe?” This cut her the deepest. After all the guilt that she had felt for being with Clark, for hurting Chloe, it was nothing compared to the pain she felt at knowing that there was this side of Clark that he shared with Chloe and not her. “You told Chloe and not me?”
“I didn’t have a choice. She saw me…”
“Clark, you always have a choice. We were together. You told me that you loved me - ”
“I did! I mean, I do.”
“Then how could you keep this from me?”
“I told you.”
“Yeah.” Lana slowly nodded. “I’m going to miss my flight if I don’t get back.”
“You’re still going?”
“Yes, Clark. I never said that this would make me stay.”
“I thought…”
“You thought it would fix everything? I know. But you waited until now to tell me to keep me, not to show me yourself.”
“Yeah, but…”
“Clark, how many times do you think we can do this?”
“Do what?”
“Keep saying goodbye until we really mean it?”
“I don’t know. I just didn’t think you’d leave.”
“I know you didn’t.”
“Will you ever come back to me?”
“I don’t know.”

It had been almost a year since she had left Smallville behind, but the small town looked the same. The same people walked the sidewalks. The same shops lined the streets. She let out a sigh of relief that she had yet to run into someone from her past, that she had yet to run into Clark. After eleven and a half months, she still had no idea what to say to him. After all, the last time they were together, Clark told her his secret. After five years of being friends, and more, Clark had finally opened up to her, but she still walked away. Looking back, it seemed like the best decision at the time. But now, she was questioning that. Lana stopped outside of the Formal Wear clothing store and looked at the wedding dresses in the window. Neither of the two on show were her style, but she still pictured herself dressed in white and walking down the aisle to here knight in shinning-
“Lana?” She spun around as the male voice sounded in her ears. “It is you.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him.
“Plaid.” She whispered. Her knight in shinning Plaid.
“What?” Clark took a strep back.
“I just…you aren’t wearing plaid. I thought it was your signature.” Nice save, she sighed.
“Yeah, not anymore.” Clark smiled. He didn’t wear plaid anymore, but he sure as hell wore his signature smile. The same smile that used to make her weak at the knees. What was she talking about? Used to? “How have you been?” His words broke through her thoughts.
“Good. It took a little while for me to stop being confused and angry at you. But now I understand why you’ve done all the things you have.” Clark slowly nodded.
“So, where were you?”
“I don’t want to talk about me. I want to know what’s new with Clark Kent.”
“Well, it’s a long story.”
“If you’re not busy, we can grab a cup of coffee. I don’t have any other plans.”
“Actually, I am.”
“Right, because you didn’t walk away from everything.” Lana smiled weakly.
“Lana, your reasons at the time were…”
“Confusing. But a lot of things have changed now.” Clark glanced at this watch. “I really have to go, but we will definitely get together and talk.” Clark turned and started to enter the Formal Wear clothing store.
“What, you work here?”
“Is someone getting married? Oh my, God, it’s not Lex again, is it?”
“Yes and no.”
“Yes and no?”
“Mr. Kent.” The door swung open and a man with sandy hair stepped out. “How will there be a wedding on Saturday if the groom is not fitted for his tuxedo?” Clark looked from the gentleman to Lana and she returned his blank stare. Clark didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to say anything that would hurt her or upset her…an no matter what he said, it wouldn’t make her happy. Lana was gob-smacked. She found it hard to picture Clark dating anyone else, let alone marrying them. She had thought she was over Clark, but seeing him brought a lot of things rushing back. The thought of every glance, every caress, every dance and every kiss made her smile.
“Who’s the unlucky girl?” She joked, not really wanting to know.
“Unlucky?” They both laughed.
“Lois? God, no.”
“Someone I know?” Lana asked. She really didn’t want to know, but what was the harm? This day couldn’t possibly get any worse.
“Yeah, It’s Chloe.” But it just did.

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