This is an un-edited (typos and all) conversation that i had with a friend of mine who is a druggie as well. If you have ever wanted to know what I was talking about when I talk about the drugs...and it. You won't regret it.
SweetLilRucaxo: well people juss have to choose wuts more important to them
xdresdenxdollx: but if you're an addict..what is more important to you really isn't your choice anymore...
xdresdenxdollx: it's like you make yourself your very own death sentence.
xdresdenxdollx: drusg are terrible, really.
xdresdenxdollx: i am probably one of the biggest druggies in the state of california.
xdresdenxdollx: and everyoen knows i love to party
oxSweetLilRucaxo: thats y I try not to get involved in hardcore shit
oxSweetLilRucaxo: I know where its gonna get me
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and its not where I wanna be
xdresdenxdollx: but if i knwo you are sober, i will make damn sure oyu stay that way in fornt of me..
xdresdenxdollx: like, i don'tr contaminate the innocent...anymore.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: yea
oxSweetLilRucaxo: anymore LOL
xdresdenxdollx: i used to, but now that i see the aftermath of it all...the way it destroys you and erases who you are
oxSweetLilRucaxo: yea
xdresdenxdollx: the way it eats you alive until you are so self-consumed that you tear apart your own self until you are no more then an empty shell...
xdresdenxdollx: fuck that shit.
xdresdenxdollx: i am a huge anti-drug advocate for the sober.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: lol
oxSweetLilRucaxo: but for urself
xdresdenxdollx: but if you are already fucked up, might as well party on, eh?
oxSweetLilRucaxo: yea
xdresdenxdollx: if i could take things back
xdresdenxdollx: if i could go back in time and just say no
oxSweetLilRucaxo: I know I dont wanna get into alot of shit cuz I dont wanna end up like my dad
xdresdenxdollx: the first time
oxSweetLilRucaxo: its scary
xdresdenxdollx: and the second
xdresdenxdollx: then i would have kept saying no
xdresdenxdollx: and i'd be far more succesful than i am now
oxSweetLilRucaxo: I popped pills 90 days in a row
oxSweetLilRucaxo: at the end of that I was like I gotta stop
xdresdenxdollx: i've done it way longer than that before..kills your stomach.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: my stomach had NO LINING left
oxSweetLilRucaxo: I couldnt eat
xdresdenxdollx: i've been in and out of rehab.
xdresdenxdollx: i have been in and out of the hospital
xdresdenxdollx: i have been arrested
xdresdenxdollx: i have lost friends
xdresdenxdollx: lost loves
xdresdenxdollx: lost myself.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: yea drugs suck
xdresdenxdollx: and all because of drugs.
xdresdenxdollx: they ruin you.
xdresdenxdollx: they really, really, do.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and its not like their free or sumthin
oxSweetLilRucaxo: we pay to kill ourselves
xdresdenxdollx: drugs are the diabolical fall of mankind.
xdresdenxdollx: i swear..drugs will be the end of man.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: probably would
oxSweetLilRucaxo: half the shit people do is for or because of drugs
oxSweetLilRucaxo: thats disguistin
oxSweetLilRucaxo: reality is fuckin sick
xdresdenxdollx: exactly.
xdresdenxdollx: it is a sick, twisted world we live in.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: I've learned that
xdresdenxdollx: and the worst part is, i look at the news on the tv, i see the crazy stories about people doing fucked up shit under the influence of one drug or another...
xdresdenxdollx: and i know, i just know, in ten years or less, that's probably gonna be me.
xdresdenxdollx: great.
xdresdenxdollx: someone should really just shoot me already. clean up society. stop the crime before it starts!!
oxSweetLilRucaxo: drugs are never goin to go away
oxSweetLilRucaxo: they'll kill billions
oxSweetLilRucaxo: someone needs to spend less money on anti drug slogans n more on developin somethin to make them fuckin safer
oxSweetLilRucaxo: cuz seriously no one will ever be able to make this world drug free
xdresdenxdollx: true..
xdresdenxdollx: but then in a way that would codone it...and then the world would be plagued further.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and like wut do them commercials on tv do
oxSweetLilRucaxo: nothin !
oxSweetLilRucaxo: well the worlds problem is its not caught up to the people that live in it
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and it never will be
oxSweetLilRucaxo: nothin will ever be safe
xdresdenxdollx: they are either far-fetched or are only showing short-term consequences, like getting grounded. that is so lame. i don't care if i'm grounded -- at least i'm high. you know?
oxSweetLilRucaxo: drugs n sex will kill us
oxSweetLilRucaxo: yea the commercials are worthless
oxSweetLilRucaxo: you'll regret the things u did for drugs
oxSweetLilRucaxo: tell us somethin we dont fuckin know
xdresdenxdollx: what they should do, is they should fidn real life drug addicts
xdresdenxdollx: willing to tell their stories
oxSweetLilRucaxo: juss like the million dollar drinkin n drivin signs they put on the sides of the roads in my city
xdresdenxdollx: and show them that yeah, soem peopel get out alive..but look at the hell they go through to get there?
oxSweetLilRucaxo: they wasted 5 billion dollars on them things
xdresdenxdollx: and what about the ones that don't make it out?
xdresdenxdollx: just saying drugs kill you doens't scare me. lots of things kill you.
xdresdenxdollx: it's the way you die form them..the way you die, but you still breathe....
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and its true look what you loose
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and you dont even realize
oxSweetLilRucaxo: cuz its all about the money and the high
xdresdenxdollx: serious.
xdresdenxdollx: but really, no matter waht, i don't think people will ever truly see or understand how hard it is to be a drug addict..and how ultimately, it really isn't your choice anymore. the drug controls you.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: yea I kno
xdresdenxdollx: you become the is your brain, making all your decisions.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and the cops that come into schools n shit thats a joke
xdresdenxdollx: it is terrible, and quite frightening.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: we only ever had one really good assembly on drugs and that was 2 years ago my freshman year
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and they brought in body bags n shit
xdresdenxdollx: good.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and some person who ripped all the skin off their arm to find their vein
xdresdenxdollx: but still, that shows how bad the body looks....
oxSweetLilRucaxo: it was gross
oxSweetLilRucaxo: 37 ppl went home sick that day
xdresdenxdollx: but not all the shit they went through.
xdresdenxdollx: their death and hwo they died only shows one incident
xdresdenxdollx: what about the other tiems when he damn near od'd?
xdresdenxdollx: or when he watched his best firend die because of withdrawal or overdosing?
oxSweetLilRucaxo: well it was like the storys too
oxSweetLilRucaxo: they brought ex-addicts in
xdresdenxdollx: they don't need to bring in EXaddictsl they are too clean to show the kids a real-life miserable druggie. The people need to be straight up addicts, not clean former fuck-ups.
oxSweetLilRucaxo: and u know wut they never brought it back
oxSweetLilRucaxo: school said it was too gruesome
xdresdenxdollx: parents were probably against it
oxSweetLilRucaxo: the administration was against it cuz all the ppl that got sick