"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24
Can't help but wonder what's going on in the Christian communities. Everything seems to have gone dead... and I noticed a few of the more active/vocal members of Christianity deleted their accounts. Wonder what that was all about 0_o ?
Hmm, I did notice that it has gotten quieter. Should I stir something up? ;-P
My brother and I find our church to be very comfortable, neither cold nor hot. We're trying to get the elders to see the importance of allowing the youth to hear about Creation (they won't allow speakers to come in), as well as to get on board with apologetics, which my brother already has started a study group for. There's so many topics they don't touch because they're "controversial" or aren't the Gospel. It's almost like they've forgotten what Jesus did during his time here. And then people wonder why the youth is leaving the church in large numbers . . . sigh.
"How do you protect yourself from deception? Make your calling and election sure, by staying filled with the Spirit of God."
I would also add, Study the Word of God. Know the difference between sound Biblical doctrine and "every wind of doctrine". Develop and nurture the ability to discern (which is closely linked to being filled with the Spirit, as you pointed out.)
And, never take heed to anything coming out of the Trinity Broadcasting Network!
Indeed. You know, its kind of sad that TBN, and televangelists like Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Rod Parsely, and Juanita Bynum were some of the instruments that the Lord used to reach me.
Comments 5
Can't help but wonder what's going on in the Christian communities. Everything seems to have gone dead... and I noticed a few of the more active/vocal members of Christianity deleted their accounts. Wonder what that was all about 0_o ?
My brother and I find our church to be very comfortable, neither cold nor hot. We're trying to get the elders to see the importance of allowing the youth to hear about Creation (they won't allow speakers to come in), as well as to get on board with apologetics, which my brother already has started a study group for. There's so many topics they don't touch because they're "controversial" or aren't the Gospel. It's almost like they've forgotten what Jesus did during his time here. And then people wonder why the youth is leaving the church in large numbers . . . sigh.
I would also add, Study the Word of God. Know the difference between sound Biblical doctrine and "every wind of doctrine". Develop and nurture the ability to discern (which is closely linked to being filled with the Spirit, as you pointed out.)
And, never take heed to anything coming out of the Trinity Broadcasting Network!
Great post!
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