it was great, but nicole would have made it better

Jun 05, 2004 10:29

WOOOOOOW! six flags was awsome! Our group went on Batman, Nitro, Great american scream machine (twice) and Skull mountain (sucked). If we hadn't gone on skull mountain, we could have gone on superman and batman and robin but noooooo, melissa wanted us to go on skull mountain! lol, and it turns out that superman had 2 cars rolling and it only to a half an time i go, NICOLE IS COMING WITH ME, b/c if i go with caity i KNOW FOR A FACT ziggy's gonna have to come to, so if ziggy can come, nicole can come, or else i don't fuckin go, period. and if nicole can't come and ziggy is cindii comes, but if ziggy and then nobody else comes, b/c i haven't hung out with caity for how many months and when i did someone was there, so if she has someone, i have someone, if she doesn't neither do i, PERIOD! i think i made that pretty clear

weeeeeeeell anywayz, on NITRO i sat next to caity and melissa and the other 2 were somewhere behind us and as we were going up i was hold my hands up and as soon as we reached the edge i saw no track and emidiately put my hands on the small thing that was keeping us in our seat. I started screaming as did other people but as soon as u started heading down u couldn't scream, the air pressure against ur face was so intence it's unbelieveable! then u do all this loops and twists and hills, ITS SICK! im so glad i didn't eat before then. but before it was our turn it was sooooo sad b/c there was this one girl who a little to big for the little yellow bar to lock in for her and she had to get off, and i almost cried for her it was so sad, and her friends still went on without her...

BATMAN! YAYAYAYAYAAYAYYAYAYAYAAYAYAY! that ride was sick! seriously it was sick, before it was our turn the people who went on before went, and the row behind ours, when it was time for them to get on this girl was sitting on the rail and she stated...peeing...and she wouldn't STOp and the didn't end up going on the ride afterall...well anyways, when it was our turn we got in and i was spazzing out b/c i bucked in and the arm chair wasn't locking in and i heard an engine rearing, but caity was like it's gonna lock in for us, and it did so i calmed down only to start screaming when we went down the first fucking hill! then we went on a loop and a twist which did was it looked like it did, sent our bodies flying and the rest was just unbelievable...

the great american scream machine was fantastic but nothing great to ride about, except when we went the second time we cut like 70% of the line to get to melissa and the other girl, lol

ontop of everything it was my mommy's birthday, and i bought her a lolipop and i wannted to get her a prize, but i can't play games for my life...I REALLY wish nicole went with me, b/c she would have been on my bus and i would have had a 100% of a great time!!
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