1. After a week in the cold, and much waiting in, the nice man who looks like a ginger Ned Flanders came and fixed the boiler this afternoon. Callooh! Callay! &c. He'd identified that the problem had been a failure in the ignition circuit on Friday, but had to wait for a replacement part to be posted thisaway before he could do owt about it. It
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Comments 8
okay, here we go (this is from a leaflet titled 'Cardiff MIND Floating Support' btw):
How Do I Apply for Support?A referral can be made either by your Housing Officer, Social Worker, Community Psychiatric Nurse or other professional agency/representative ( ... )
It seems better since I went to the Heath, I still need it out(its gonna take a month or two, to get seen apparently) but they filled it and cleaned it up with some anaesthetic stuff so its been better.Apparently it was the massive hole in it that was generating half of the pain, the other half is the fact that its growing at a strange angle....
Chico just gives me arm muscles!
Taff is also the name of a housing association! Hehe I've been on the council list for five years and apparently the lists cross over, I've just made an appointment to see someone regarding rehousing next week but it will probably take a good while before anything actually happens.
That info sounds interesting, thanks for that. I'm seeing a Psychiatric Nurse/Doctor next week maybe I can print it off and see if he can ring them.
Well how about one afternoon or evening on the weekend or next week? Whenever is fine with me really, but obviously when we're both free from our bits and bobs...Take care xxx
It's just kind of a perfect album though, isn't it? Short, sharp, shouty, every one a winner...
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