Title: You Didn't Get To Heaven But You Made It Close
Series: Ashes to Ashes (Gene/Alex)
Download Details: MP3, 40mb zipped. Includes cover art.
Summary: You thought you might be a ghost, you didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
01. 42 + Coldplay
Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living in my head
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well
02. Blackout [instrumental] + Muse
03. In The Light + Full Blown Rose
Lift me up
Lead me from this place
Let your love be mercy on my face
Rising up, I changed before your eyes
Out of darkness, standing in the light
04. Save Me + Jem
One minute I am fine
The next I've lost my mind
To a fake fantasy
05. Teardrop + Massive Attack
Watch the fanvid by richardbirch2007Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
06. Shoot Out The Lights + X
As he watches the streets of the city
As he moves through the night
Shoot out the lights
07. Waking Dream + Natalie Walker
I cannot stumble here
I am safe inside my head
When I wake up I'll forget
I’ll come back to my mess
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