1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have a crush?
umm. kinda
3. What are you listening to right now?
The Academy Is...
5. Last thing you ate?
a bagel, last night
6. Last person you hugged?
my grandma
7. How is the weather right now?
rainy and gloomy.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
leighann! <33
9.The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
IN ORDER : style//face//shoes//hair//butt//personality
10. Favorite food?
hm.. i'd say salad.
11. Do you drink? drink what?
everyone does. to stay alive. Water. is my fav.
12. Do you smoke?
13. Ever get so drunk you dont remember what you did?
hahaha. yes..
14. Hair color?
as of this week... dirrty blonde on top layer/ black on bottom layer.
very scene. very hot.
15. Eye color?
greyish-blue. my fav.
16. Do you wear contacts?
17. Favorite Holiday?
nothing really. so we'll pretend chritsmas
18. When is your birthday?
September 26th. now THATS my favorite holiday,
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
i'm a chick. we always do..
20. Last Movie you Watched?
Harry Potter. the 3rd one.
21. Last time you were at work?
Christmas Eve.
22. Last time you were out of state?
Earlier this month. Went to North Carolina. <333
23. Last time you went bowling?
the summer.
24. Something unusual about you?
idk..i like giving ugly guys hope by flirting with them, and the blocking them. ;| mean i know.
25. Favorite breakfast food?
26. Favorite color?
blood red
27. What are you afraid of?
dieing//clowns && mascots//dreams not coming true.
28. If you could take a trip anywhere where would it be?
Globe-trotting. going everywhere
29. What books are you reading?
The Truth About Diamonds by Nicole Richie & Confessions of an Heiress by Paris Hilton.
30. Number of peircings?
so many i've lost count. 13. soon to be 14.
31. Favorite movie?
um. dont have one.
32. Favorite basketball team?
dont really keep up with basketball. But it used to be the Nets
33. What were you doing before you filled this out?
Listening to music. && deciding what to get pierced tomorrow.
34. Any pets?
a dog, and a cat.
35. AIM?
36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
all of the above. (but not too much.).
38. Dogs or cats?
tiny dogs
38. Favorite Flower?
39. Have you ever been caught doing something you werent supposed to?
hahaha. no. i'm too skillful to ever get caught.
40. Are you single or taken?
single. .
41. Have you ever loved someone?
i think loved is an understatement.
42. Who would you like to see right now?
Anthony. && Niki. but i see her in 3 days.. OH! && Jess too!
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
the takeoff always gets me nervous. but other than that yes..
46. Are you left or right handed?
right handed.
47. If you can be with someone right now, who would it be?
Anthony R. .
48. How many pillows do you sleep with?
49. Are you missing someone?
incredibly so.
50. Do you have a Tattoo?
still gota wait less than 2 years. =\.
51. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
not really..
52.Are you looking for a boy?
not really. just looking for something attached to the boy.
HAHA. but if its anthony. then i am def looking. right at him.
&& basically no one else.