I feel like death ran me over a couple times. I look like it as well. I have not been sleeping well. I want to go home. I don't want to be in school right now. With ten minutes until class I'm not even sure If i am going to go. ugh.
SO far so good. I'm in a much better modd today than last night. I was justs o depressed I didn't know what to do. So I'm sitting here in the school library I just ate my delicious greek salad (no meat today) I have class in four mins. Page layouts is probably gonna suck but it's okay. I'm looking forward to my 8:15pm class. History of Graphic
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It's good to be home. This was the week from hell. Between starting my new job, getting sick, fighting with Joe, not fighting with Joe, and endng up in the hospital, I'm worn out. Let me tell you
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