Doctor Who ugh I really did not like this. I pretty much just want to live in the amazingness of 7.04 forever. Really, what I want is that this episode aired last week and they saved the day in the end and then last week's episode was this week with the cubes and the Doctor staying with them and Amy would decide to stop traveling with the Doctor at the end because that I could handle, and at least we'd end Amy's run on a high note.
I mean, first off, I didn't really need more of the weeping angels? They were best in Blink, and I feel like each new appearance of them kind of dilutes how creepy and fascinating they were in that episode. It also REALLY bugged me when we would see shots of a weeping angel over the shoulder or behind a character who was ALONE in a room or somewhere and NOT LOOKING AT THE WEEPING ANGEL but the weeping angel would just be STATIC IN THE BACKGROUND. THAT'S NOT HOW THEY WORK. IF THE CHARACTER'S NOT LOOKING AT IT AND THEY'RE THE ONLY PERSON IN THE ROOM, THE WEEPING ANGEL CAN MOVE. THE CAMERA/AUDIENCE IS NOT ACTUALLY A PERSON. IT MADE NO SENSE AND REALLY ANNOYED ME EVERY TIME THEY DID THAT, UGH.
There's no way I can prove this, but at the very start of the episode, I wrote in my TextEdit window in which I was jotting down various reactions/thoughts: "ugh i bet rory's going to be stuck and amy's going to choose to be stuck with him or something ugh," and that was before Rory even left to get the coffee and got zapped by the angel!!! YOU ARE NOT AS SHOCKING AND CLEVER AS YOU THINK, STEVEN MOFFAT. And like… this is not going to be a popular opinion, but I just really don't find Amy potentially sacrificing her own life to be with Rory romantic??? Like, her deciding to jump off the roof with Rory even though it might not work because she wouldn't want to live without him or whatever? This show has done this before several times, and I didn't love it then, and I don't like it now, and I find it codependent and not romantic, but whatever.
I was also really annoyed by the presence of River. I mean, while I disliked River in season 4, I grew to love her in season 5, and I was all set to continue to love her in season 6, but I hated so much what they decided to do with her character and that entire arc. But despite all that, I'd still be up for seeing her character. My issue was seeing her in THIS episode. Why couldn't she have been around for the dinosaurs in space or the Daleks or something? Why in Amy's last episode include her for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. I felt like it just kind of distracted or took away from her (ok, and Rory's, but I have my priorities here) departure. And her inclusion really didn't add anything because the show has never actually dealt with the fact that River is their kid beyond her occasionally calling them Mom and Dad and ~hilarious side comments like Amy being Eleven's mother-in-law. AND WHY WAS SHE SO FOR AMY GETTING ZAPPED BY THE WEEPING ANGEL??? THEY HAD ABSOLUTELY NO GUARANTEE THAT SHE'D END UP WITH RORY, AND IT WAS NEVER EXPLAINED AT ALL WHY RIVER WOULD BE ALL FOR THAT??? ugh. Her being around just reminded me of what a waste it was to make her Amy and Rory's daughter in the first place, which was one of the major reasons I hated last season so much, so of COURSE they had to bring it back again for Amy's final episode because god forbid I try to forget that storyline ever happened.
sigh. So mostly this episode just really annoyed me. But I'm actually optimistic for the new companion??? She enters with no baggage of storylines like everything that happened with season 6, and she has an excellent face, and if she's anything like Oswin was (unless they are actually the same character???) in the premiere, I will definitely approve. And the other episodes this season reminded me of how much I did love this show at one point once it gets away from ridiculous storylines like the River one from last season, so hopefully we can start fresh with the new companion.
Haven I was definitely less interested in this episode overall than the premiere, but there were a few bits I did like.
Mostly, though, DAMMIT STOP RUINING DUKE AND NATHAN'S FRIENDSHIP. I HATE THIS. Duke, Nathan, and Audrey as a group working together has always been one of my favorite things, and I hate Duke and Nathan being on opposite sides. Especially because it's coming off more like gross love triangle bullshit than anything else.
I was also kind of confused for most of this ep because like… AUDREY AND NATHAN KISSED IN 2.11 AND WERE FLIRTING AND TALKING ABOUT HAVING BREAKFAST IN 2.12 AND I GET WHY THAT WASN'T ADDRESSED IN THE PREMIERE BUT COME ON!!!!!!!! WHY IS IT BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL???? But Audrey saying she did want a dog, but it wouldn't have worked out at the end was a rather pointed comment about her and Nathan, so I guess we're supposed to see her pulling away? Which makes sense after finding out she has like… a set expiration date (for lack of a better term) as Audrey Parker, but I don't get why they were still just acting like partners/friends at the beginning of the ep as well.
The psychiatrist is an interesting addition and I'm intrigued to see what her role will be, but I'm also just a little nervous because I was a psych major, so I'm always a bit sensitive to how psychology is portrayed on TV because it's almost always done terribly. But so far I like her as a character, so she could be good!
idk, overall, kind of underwhelming an episode, but I'm still thrilled it's back, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season!
Downton Abbey I only really have 2 things to talk about:
-Ohhhhh, poor Edith! Like I've mentioned in the past, I've always had mixed feelings about her as a character (although I has liked her more as the series has progressed), but I have wanted her to be happy, so her being left in the middle of her wedding was awful. Poor, poor Edith. I do hope she can find someone before the season is over who she loves who loves her and who won't leave her in the middle of their wedding.
-Matthew was SERIOUSLY making me want to punch him this episode. I mean, god, when he told her he wasn't accusing her of faking the letter, seriously, you literally JUST accused her of faking it, I don't understand what you're talking about. Hopefully the fact that Lavinia's father knew everything means that we can just be done with this already and he can save them and everything will be happy because I'm tired of Matthew annoying me, I want to like him and just bask in happy MATTHEW AND MARY ARE MARRIED feelings!!!
The Good Wife AHHH I'M SO HAPPY THIS SHOW IS BACK. I actually don't have a huge amount to say about the premiere, but I really didn't realize how much I missed this show until it started and it just felt so comfortable and familiar and now I kind of want to rewatch seasons 1-3, whoops. But yeah, just, so excited it's back!!!
Kalinda bashing that guy's head the second he mentioned Alicia at the beginning was SO GREAT, but otherwise, I'm… not so sure about her storyline thus far. It's giving me really uncomfortable feelings? Like… are we supposed to think she's being abused by him or this is a domestic violence situation because, that's how it feels, but I'm not sure that we are supposed to feel that way? ugh idk. I guess I'll have to see how it plays out. I'm nervous, though. And the episode could've done with more Kalinda/Alicia interaction.
CARY'S AT LOCKHART GARDNER!!!!!!!! I know this happened last season but I forgot until he called Alicia or she called him (I can't remember now which) and then I remembered and I got so ridiculously happy. He didn't have much to do in the premiere, but I did love their conversation at the beginning and how she was like "It's my son" or whatever and he got it and contacted his friend to help or whatever and idk I just love their friendship and I'm so excited to have more of them interacting and Cary and Kalinda interacting this season!!!!!
KRISTIN CHENOWETH!!!! I didn't know she was guest starring on this episode!!!! She didn't have a huge amount to do, but it was just fun seeing her pop up.
I'm… really nervous about what the show is doing with Alicia/Peter. I don't know how I feel about mending fences. I just… I really couldn't take them ever getting back together. I thought (or was hoping) we were done with that. That being said, I did adore Alicia's response to the interviewer that it's not about taking women back to the 50s or whatever, it's about her. (But I still don't want her to get back with Peter.) I do ship Will/Alicia (which is mostly separate from my disliking the idea of Peter/Alicia reuniting) and want them to get back together in the long-run, but I kind of want Alicia to date around casually this season (and then at the end of this season or maybe next season if there is a next season she can get back together for Will when they're both on the same page). I mean, I wanted that last season, but that didn't happen, so… please give me Alicia casually dating around this season, show!!! I was actually kind of fearing the premiere would have no Will/Alicia, which, I watch the show for more than just them so I would've survived without it, but then they did get a scene, and it was so nice!!! And she got him champagne at the end!!!!
So yeah, anyways, YAY FOR THIS SHOW BEING BACK!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing specific to say about the episode, but SO HAPPY HOMELAND IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! I was planning to do a season 1 rewatch which hasn't happened yet, but possibly this weekend because the premiere reminded me of how much I adore this show.
I saw Looper on Sunday, and I have thoughts! (Any spoilers for the movie will be under spoiler-cuts.)
Looper The concept for this movie was really interesting, and I'm always up for well-done sci fi, and the reviews from critics have all been really strong (I think it has like a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes? Which of course isn't the be-all, end-all of what's good, but that's a pretty positive indicator), so I was really hoping to love this. And I really enjoyed the first like… half to two-thirds of this, but then the end just kind of fell apart for me? Which was really disappointing. And unfortunately the end being so dissatisfying kind of colored my view of the rest of the film, even though I was really enjoying most of it.
I mean, for the positives, the setting was really interesting. I thought just enough was done to make it look futuristic for 30 years in the future, but it wasn't so radically different that it seemed unreasonable, and it wasn't so different as to like… distract from what was going on. And it was also very interesting because like… it's set in 2044, but it felt very noir, which I really enjoyed.
The concept was interesting, as I said, and I loved the early stuff when (this shouldn't really be a spoiler because it's pretty much the movie summary/synopsis???) the future Joe comes back at first, and there was some really clever stuff with trying to capture a different future person who comes back and is trying to run away. And I liked how future Joe changing the past was handled in terms of it affecting his memories, that everything would be foggy until present Joe made a choice and then he would remember what he had done. That was interesting and something that I feel is often ignored in these types of stories. Oh, and the montage with future Joe going through his 30 years and meeting his wife was really well-done and one of my favorite parts.
I liked the connection between Sarah and Joe once she entered the film, but… I think it was rushed? She was introduced about halfway through the movie, and that's really where things went downhill for me. I liked that stuff at first, but once it became apparent why she and her kid were being focused on, it started falling apart? [Spoiler time!]I felt like her connection with Joe was being developed slowly, and it was good right up until the point where she signaled to him to come up to her room and then they slept together. I felt like just one or two more scenes and that would've felt more natural, but at that point, I felt like she was still suspicious and distrusting of him overall, so it just seemed too fast to me.
And then with the kid, like… ugh idk. I felt like, for one thing, the TK stuff just felt kind of… thrown in? Like it was only really there so we could tell who the Rainmaker is, and I guess also to explain how he could gain so much power singlehandedly, but it felt a little out of nowhere and disconnected from everything else that was going on. And I feel like him killing himself as the resolution was supposed to be more of a shock or twist, but it was pretty obviously on the table as an option, and it just felt dissatisfying, in large part because we don't really get any confirmation that him killing himself actually will help things in the long run, but I'll get to that.
I felt like there were a lot of holes with the time travel aspect, which… ok, there almost always are with time travel and paradoxes. But there were a couple that were just so glaring that it distracted me. I mean, the main one being that… Joe sees at the end the loop that like… his older self will kill the mom and that will lead the kid to growing up alone and becoming the Rainmaker. Except… the mom would only get killed if old Joe goes back, and we're shown that this is the first time he goes back, because there's the flashback to how old Joe killed himself in his timeline and goes on and meets his wife and then makes the choice to go back and fight back to save his wife from being killed. But at that point the Rainmaker is already a thing, like… that's part of the issue, that the Rainmaker is killing all the Loopers. BUT WHY DOES THE RAINMAKER EVEN EXIST. Like, if there was some sort of explanation that without young Joe coming into their lives, Syd would end up killing Sarah (or even something else would end up killing her, it's not exactly the safest of worlds in general), which would lead to him growing up bad and becoming the Rainmaker. But there was nothing at ALL even HINTED to, so… am I supposed to think he did grow up with Sarah raising him but still became the Rainmaker? Because if so, then what does the end change AT ALL? He will still likely become the Rainmaker! Maybe if we had flashed forward and saw he turned out ok thanks to what Joe did that would have been fine, but we don't, so Joe killing himself just seems like… okay, we have no guarantee that that actually helped ANYTHING. Also, there's something deeply problematic to me that even if we do see that Sarah raises Syd and he turns out ok that like… kids need their mothers in order to grow up ok and motherless children will turn out screwed up and all sociopaths/psychopaths had no mothers, which… no, that's not at all true????? I just find that idea really problematic.
Also, there were only like 2 female characters and about a million men. Three if you count his future wife, but I'm pretty sure she isn't even allowed a single line of dialogue, and… DO WE EVEN EVER HEAR HER NAME??? I DON'T THINK WE DO, ACTUALLY, I JUST REALIZED THAT, UGH. And then there's the stripper he's sleeping with at the beginning who's really just there so his future self will feel more guilty when he has to kill her kid, and she really has zero development. And then there's Sarah, who I actually do feel is really well-developed and has her own stuff going on and isn't just a Love Interest, which is nice, but there's also the aforementioned issues in regards to her relationship with her son, so. ugh, idk, that really wasn't great.
I also just felt really emotionally disconnected from everything, like… it just really didn't resonate for me emotionally. I wasn't really rooting for anyone? Old Joe is killing kids, so he gets hard to root for, and obviously the bad guys are the bad guys, and young Joe has killed a bunch of people himself, and Syd is incredibly creepy and is going to become a horrible human being, and Sarah is probably the most sympathetic and who I'd definitely be most inclined to get invested in, but… I just never really connected to her for some reason. And I'm usually all on board for shipping, but Sarah/Joe, as I mentioned, just wasn't developed enough for me. So that really didn't help.
I'm also kind of really surprised how many critics are praising this? Like, it's decent, but to be as critcally-acclaimed as it is, is just… really surprising to me, idk. And like, okay, there's one blog I follow that's mostly just for the Oscar season stuff, more than the actual reviews, but I tend to agree with the guy who runs it more often than not, or at least respect his opinion. And he's one of the critics who was just gaga for this movie, but like… he made a post to share your thoughts on the movie, and a lot of people were actually echoing issues I had, and he just got like… really bent out of shape over it? It was so weird to me, and it's actually made me lose respect for him a fair amount. He made some comment first about how there is no paradox created by the time travel stuff and it could all be explained, and then went on to make another comment about how you'd have to have no soul to pick at the plot holes (so… which is it, then? Are there no plot holes, or are there plot holes but the movie's just too good otherwise to care about nitpicky things?). And, like, yeah, if a movie resonates with me emotionally enough or blows me away in some way, I can easily wave away plot holes. Trust me, I have done that plenty of times before. But after watching this movie, I wanted to pick apart the plot holes, and I just feel like that's a pretty good indicator of the quality of the film? If the rest of it worked well enough, I could wave away those plot holes, but… the rest of it just did not work well enough for me to be able to brush them aside. I also saw someone else make a comment that was basically like… "God forbid someone tell an original story about characters and truth and not science!!!" in response to people criticizing the plot holes. And like, oh my god way to miss the point??? God forbid I want my story to make sense? And, again, if the characters and "truth" (???) WORKED then I wouldn't give a flying fuck about plot holes!!!
That same critic also mentioned in response to someone criticizing the mishmash of genres that that was part of the film's brilliance, but like… mishmashing genres on its own isn't just… inherently brilliant regardless of how it's done??? I don't get that at all. It can be wonderfully done and it can be horribly done, and if someone is criticizing that, then… obviously it didn't work for them??? And maybe it worked for you, and that's fine, but it's not like… impossible to criticize it based on that. I did think that parts of the mishmash of genres, like with noir and futuristic sci fi stuff, were great, but the elements of TK and… kind of horror stuff at the end felt less well-integrated. ughhh just… I feel like the ridiculously overdefensive fans (and not just like fans but professional critics, who I feel like should be better about presenting their opinions and respecting if other people's opinions differ?) of the film are actually making me more irritated towards it, which really isn't fair because there was a lot of stuff I did actually like, but it's just so aggravating that people are dismissing anyone who disliked it as being the reason why we'll get another Robocop movie instead of smart, original sci fi (like fuck you, god forbid I want what you're calling smart, original sci fi to actually be smart and make sense??? I WOULDN'T WATCH ROBOCOP REGARDLESS OF HOW I FELT ABOUT THIS MOVIE, YOUR ARGUMENT IS STUPID). ugh.
I mean, all this being said, Rian Johnson films are always very interesting to me at the very least, even if I don't always love them whole-heartedly (I liked Brick and really enjoyed The Brother's Bloom, but I didn't get really invested in or attached to either), so I'm up for whatever he decides to do next, and there were definitely some really excellent parts of this movie. And it was definitely gorgeously shot. I'd probably give it like a C+, which isn't too awful (although right after it ended I would've given it more like a B/B-, so it seems to be going down in my opinion the more I think about it). I was hoping to be blown away by the movie, so it was saddening that it ended up being just so disappointing.
I also ended up doing a rewatch of Miranda on Saturday because I was just kind of in the mood for the show like that, and season 3 is FINALLY going to be airing somewhat soon, and it was definitely an excellent choice. I don't really have much to say specifically about it, just that it always take me like 10-15 min through the pilot to get used to the style and then I just get sucked in and laugh out loud more than I do during almost any other comedy I've watched. AND MIRANDA/GARY, UGH. Anyways, it got me in the mood to do a Green Wing rewatch mostly just because it's also a quirky British comedy, and I haven't watched it since I first marathoned it the summer before my senior year of high school (so that was definitely awhile ago), and it's all on Netflix, so I might do that soon.
Although, if you hadn't noticed, I'm kind of in the mood to rewatch just about everything right now. It's weird because I spent all summer pretty disinterested in TV, and even back in like April/May when there was still new stuff, idk, I just wasn't really in the mood for TV overall? But now I'm definitely in a TV mood, and I'm not used to all the shows having new stuff right now, so it's still exciting to have new eps to watch every night!!! And, as I said, I just want to marathon show after show right now. Homeland and Green Wing are on my list, along with Parks and Rec S2-3 (I'm rewatching season 4 with my parents right now since I got the DVDs and my dad hasn't seen it, and it's made me remember how much I adore this show and it's been over a year since I last watched any eps from those seasons which is FAR too long), and Dexter season 6 (after being spoiled for the season, I was pretty disinterested in catching up, but from all accounts, season 7 is a vast improvement, and it did used to be one of my absolute favorite shows, and I adore Deb always, so I might have to catch up).
In terms of real life stuff quickly, the end of this week is going to be a bit busy for me. My parents and I have season tickets to the local theater, South Coast Rep (which is close enough to L.A. that it often has recognizable actors in its productions, like Michael Urie and Donna from Suits and Billy from last season of Scandal and the headmaster from Gilmore Girls and so on, which is really fun, and most of its productions are pretty good, if not great, although there is the occasional awful one), and we were supposed to go to one last Friday, but my dad had a really awful cough, so we ended up trading the tickets for this Thursday instead (which sucks because THERE'S SO MUCH TV THURSDAY, WHY DON'T MY PARENTS UNDERSTAND THIS???? I can probably squeeze in Parks, but I doubt I'll be able to get to Scandal or Elementary, and I do not approve), and we're actually seeing a different play at the second stage there on Friday night, and I have a dentist appointment Saturday morning, so I probably won't be able to catch up on TV and the internet until like Saturday afternoon. Oh, and Sunday I'm hopefully going to finally see The Master (I was supposed to see it 2 weekends ago, and then I was supposed to see it this past weekend but we ended up seeing Looper instead, but I was promised that this weekend I will finally actually see The Master), so that'll be nice.
Also, I promise to stop complaining about the new coworker, but I did have to mention a few things quickly (and then I won't talk about her for awhile, I swear!!!).
Actually, this is less complaining and more me bragging that MY FEELINGS HAVE BEEN VALIDATED, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE HORRIBLY ANNOYED BY HER!!!!!!!!!! I mentioned in my last post that I had another coworker (I'll just call her "A") who I get along with really well who I thought was also annoyed by her but didn't want to bring it up in case I was wrong and because it felt too gossipy. But it did end up getting brought up on Friday anyways. We all have MSN on our computers to IM each other in case like we're on a call and someone else calls so we can let that person know, or if we have a question for someone and they're on the phone, or whatever, and also to keep down the noise of us constantly talking and asking questions. I mean, we do, but IM is supposed to help with that some. But anyways, this notary called about a funding issue which is something only I handle, no one else is allowed to handle them except of course my supervisor (and this isn't my rule or anything, this is something my supervisor decided and is really strict about, that no one else handles those files because they are very delicate for various reasons), and I mentioned this to the new girl last week that anything that says funding issue to tell me about immediately. So I was calling someone on something else and as the phone was ringing, I heard my new coworker talking to someone and she mentioned the borrower's name on one of my funding issues, and I was like, "THAT'S A FUNDING ISSUE, IT'S FOR ME," and then the person I was calling picked up so I had to talk to them and while I was doing that, the new girl kept talking to the notary who was calling, which… she shouldn't be doing!!!! She should have just told her I was on a call and put her on hold. But anyways, A heard me say that and heard the new coworker continuing to talk to her and she IMed me to tell me and I was like "PLEASE STOP HER" so she talked to her and had to tell her several times to just put the call on hold before she did, and finally I got off the phone and was able to take it.
And after that was taken care of, I IMed A back to be like "Sorry I was kind of abrupt, I just couldn't get off my call and needed her to stop!" and she was like "No worries, I know you hate that," meaning when other people handle the funding issues when they're not supposed to. And… I can't remember exactly how it went, but I basically ended up hinting that I just get irritated when I feel like I've told people something several times and they don't listen, and she was like "OMG I FELT EXACTLY THE SAME WAY BUT WAS KEEPING IT TO MYSELF BECAUSE I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!" And we didn't talk too much more about her, like we weren't just gossiping behind her back even though it kind of feels like that, but we both brought up like a couple instances where the new coworker had done stuff like that, and it was great just because… I'M NOT JUST A HORRIBLE PERSON WHO HAS IT OUT FOR HER!!!! IT'S NOT JUST ME, OTHER PEOPLE SEE IT, TOO!!!!! And she also indicated that she thought one or two of the other girls at least also felt like that but didn't want to say anything, and there was a point yesterday too where the new coworker did something like that, and she said another coworker had given A a look when it happened like she was really annoyed with the new coworker.
ugh and it's so annoying too, A pointed out how the new coworker pretty much always has an excuse for everything, like she doesn't ever just say "I made a mistake, sorry, won't happen again!" and that's it? There was a call she had today when she was like "This type of signing has no fax backs, right?" and I was like "…no, all these signings require [specific document] to be faxed along with a copy of the ID" and she was like, "Oh, so I should increase the fee by $10 because of the fax backs," like "…No, the fee stays what it is because it's only 4 pgs," because we do increase the fee for faxing on one type of signings (which are like 25+ pgs), but not the type of signing this was since it's only a couple pgs. Which, okay, that sounds confusing, but after a month of working here, it should be easy to comprehend and remember. And she was like, "Oh, okay, I didn't know that!" EXCEPT, NO, I LITERALLY EXPLAINED THAT TO YOU JUST LAST WEEK!!!!!! AND ALSO THE WEEK BEFORE THAT!!!!! AND YOU HAVE BEEN HERE A MONTH AND THIS SHOULD BE SINKING IN AT SOME POINT!!!!!!! She could've just said, "Oh, I forgot!" like I would be pretty fine if she was just like "I've probably asked you this before but I just wanted to be sure…" or whatever, but either she's using that as an excuse for forgetting and saying she was never told, or she actually can't retain information longer than 3 days after having been told it several times even when reminded of it. ughhhh.
We did have 2 new people come in yesterday for interviews, and I don't know what my boss decided on either of them, but in any case it looks like we should be getting more new people soon, which… I mean, that could be good? We are still short-staffed and could use with more people, even with just like answering phones. And if they end up being competent and learning really quickly, maybe they can highlight for my supervisor how the new coworker cannot retain information and doesn't listen. Or they could be really awful, but maybe then they'll make the new coworker look good to me in comparison??? I'm trying to look for the silver lining here!!!
Also, work-related, but it deserves to go outside the cut: this one girl I work with yesterday was like, "Ohhh, I need to check if Gossip Girl is starting tonight!!!!" and then she checked and was like "Oh no, it's not starting until next week!" And now I'm terrified that she might be a Chuck/Blair shipper. I NORMALLY DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE BASED ON SHIPS, BUT I DO WITH CHUCK/BLAIR, OK. I mean, she didn't say anything specific, just that she was excited for it to come back, but… who is still excited for this show and doesn't ship Chuck/Blair??? Is there anyone else left actually still watching? Anyways, I didn't mention anything about having watched (slash being obsessed with) the show because I feared her removing any doubt and confirming she ships them. I like her, I get along with her really well, I don't want to get into shipping wars with her!!!! So for now I will live in my delusion that she might not ship anyone and just enjoy the ridiculousness of the show.