The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
GIGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think most people kind of figured we'd have surprise Gigi and/or Darcy and/or Fitz in this episode, so it wasn't a huge shock, and the second she appeared I knew she had to be Gigi because, I mean… this is a super low-budget webseries, they don't cast random extras, they only have major characters appear (apart from random extras in the Vidcom eps, but… that doesn't really count because none of them had lines, they were just people actually attending real Vidcom!), and of course her slip-ups like referring to Darcy as William and having watched all the episodes and stuff were pretty major clues. But even if it wasn't a shock, it was still wonderful to finally see her!!!! AND I LOVE HER, SHE'S WONDERFUL. She wasn't at all what I expected (I think I was expecting someone kind of like Holliday Grainger aka Lucrezia on The Borgias because apparently I always picture Georgiana as having long curly blonde hair), but she and Darcy totally look like siblings (THE CASTING ON THIS SERIES IS THE GREATEST), and personality-wise she's absolutely perfect. I was thinking it might've been nice for her and Lizzie not to become instant best friends and Lizzie have to actually work a little to gain her approval since she did, you know, trash Gigi's brother on the internet for months. But that being said, I still enjoyed what they did with her interaction with Lizzie, and there were some kind of subtle teasing going on, like the "Or lack of relationship" comment, which was enough for me.
After I watched episode 77, I was predicting that episode 78 would end with Darcy appearing and the same kind of "Lizzie!" / "Darcy!" thing as his very first episode, kind of a cliffhanger, probably due to Gigi scheming, and then Monday's episode would have their first real interaction in months. And I was almost right!!!! I was kind of just hoping their real first interaction would be in Monday's episode because it's my birthday and I get spoiled/greedy on my birthday so basically I just want new Lizzie/Darcy to flail/squee about on that day (although we might still get some more Monday!!!!! I'M HOPING AT LEAST, DON'T LET ME DOWN ON MY BIRTHDAY, SHOW). And then my other prediction after episode 77 was that the thing about Lizzie not having a car would become relevant and at some point Darcy would offer Lizzie a ride somewhere and we'd get to hear about it later, which would be excellent. AND THEN I WAS KIND OF RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!! I mean, she didn't take it, but he did offer her a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like now that he's offered and she's turned him down, though, it won't come up again until whatever happens with Lydia, and he'll be the only one who can give her a ride home last minute so she can go deal with that emergency. Like maybe she'll even be in the middle of filming a video and he'll be there for whatever reason and then she'll get a text or a call from Jane or something and he'll be like "…is everything okay?" and she'll be a total mess and he'll offer to take her back home to deal with it and she won't be able to refuse because she has to get back ASAP and she has no other choice. …that is my headcanon for now, we'll see what happens, but I have been pretty excellent at predicting things on this show recently, so!!!
(…that became more of a tangent than I expected, whoops.)
Anyways, final Gigi thoughts before I move on to episode 78 (!!!!!!!!!!!): I think it's super cool that she's a graphic designer at the company!!!!!! Like, I guess we don't 100% know what's going on, that was before she revealed who she was to Lizzie so maybe it was part of her cover??? But I'm taking it as totally true, that she works part time while going to school maybe? I'm not sure how old she's supposed to be, I'm guessing maybe in her last year of undergrad? I think she would have to be older than Lydia. Also, going back a second, I LOVE THAT SHE DIDN'T REVEAL WHO SHE WAS TO LIZZIE UNTIL THE END. idk, the whole thing was just really cute, and LIZZIE'S LOOK AT THE END WHEN SHE REALIZES WHO GIGI IS. SO EXCELLENT. ugh I just love everything about this. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR PEMBERLEY FOREVER AND IT IS THE GREATEST SO FAR.
Then episode 78 happened, which.. haha. hahahahhaha. OH GOD. Still dying about everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second I saw the title was "The Lizzie Trap," I so knew that it was going to involve Gigi scheming to get Darcy and Lizzie in the same room. AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT.
First off, I found the stuff at the very beginning with Lizzie talking about her being all alone at Pemberley really interesting! I mean, in the book, she was traveling with her aunt and uncle, and even though they weren't so close that like she was spilling everything that had happened between her and Darcy with her aunt and uncle, it's still different having that like… safety net of being with family vs. on the show, she's just with Dr. Gardiner, and obviously the professor/student relationship is vastly different from a familial relationship, especially since I doubt Dr. Gardiner has any idea about her relationship with Darcy (unless I guess she could have watched the videos since they're part of Lizzie's schoolwork? I think? I DON'T EVEN KNOW AT THIS POINT, like she's shadowing the companies, and that's obviously separate work from the videos, but… are her videos even apart of her schoolwork at this point??? HAVE HER PROFESSORS SEEN DARCY PROFESS HIS LOVE TO HER AND HER REJECT HIM??? HAVE THEY SEEN WICKHAM'S ABS??? THESE ARE THE THINGS I THINK ABOUT). It's just interesting to me that Lizzie is so much more on her own in this adaptation. Except for Gigi, who actually is much closer to her here than in the book, since… in the book, from what I remember, she's pretty much just there to help show a softer side of Darcy, and she does get along with Lizzie, but I don't think Gigi really knows about the specifics in regards to what went down between Lizzie and Darcy since she's a lot younger and it's not modern times and it's just… different. So she's not totally alone here, but Gigi is still Darcy's sister, and she hasn't known her that long. And obviously Gigi here is more active in trying to bring Darcy and Lizzie together, whereas that's definitely not an active role she's playing in the book. …I don't have any real thoughts about the significance of these changes, I just find them interesting! The changes this series chooses to make in modernizing and adapting the story to these videos are just endlessly fascinating to me.
Anyways, back to the important flailing I need to do. Gigi is still just delightful, and I loved Lizzie's bewilderment at what was going on (the "What are you doing?" when she stopped Lizzie from turning off the camera was my favorite for some reason), and that Gigi didn't care about looking like a crazy person, she just wanted to do whatever she had to so that Lizzie would stay in front of the camera with until Darcy showed. AND HER "Yes!" WHEN HE TEXTED HER OR WHATEVER HE WAS THERE, HAHAHA SO GREAT!!!!!!!!! Also, Gigi and Fitz's tweets about meeting to talk about the tiger or whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE GOING TO SEE FITZ AGAIN AT SOME POINT, RIGHT???? COME ON.
AND THEN PUSHING DARCY IN THE ROOM WITH LIZZIE AND CLOSING THE DOOR. AND THE PARALLEL WITH HIS FIRST APPEARANCE, WHERE YOU CAN ONLY SEE THEIR TORSOS, BUT MAN THEIR BODY LANGUAGE IS DIFFERENT. And "I thought you were in L.A." / "No, I'm not." HAHA OH GOD. I can't remember if this is in the book (I don't think so? I haven't read it in years, though, so correct me if I'm wrong), but I do remember it from the 2005 movie, and it's one of my absolute favorite lines of that film, so I love that they found a way to include it!!!!!!!! AND GIGI COMING BACK IN THE ROOM TO SIT THEM IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA!!!!!!!!! (I'm sorry, I don't even have commentary or interesting things to say at all, I'm literally just describing what happens and including a bunch of exclamation points and caps but I CAN'T BE COHERENT ABOUT THIS YET OR POSSIBLY EVER!!!!!!!!!!)
I love Lizzie's "Your sister is crazy," and Darcy's "Yes," and he TOTALLY GLARES AT THE CAMERA LIKE HE'S GLARING DIRECTLY AT GIGI, IT'S GREAT. AND HOW HE'S LIKE "So soon?" WHEN SHE HAS TO GO. DESPITE HOW AWKWARD THEIR LAST INTERACTIONS WERE AND HOW AWKWARD THIS ONE IS AND HOW HE HAS NO REASON TO BELIEVE SHE WANTS TO BE AROUND HIM OR TALK TO HIM, HE'S STILL DISAPPOINTED THAT IT'LL BE OVER BECAUSE HE JUST LIKES BEING AROUND HER AND TALKING TO HER AGAIN. AND OFFERING HER A RIDE (BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT TO STOP TALKING TO HER AND BEING AROUND HER)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, when he says "Understood," after she turns him down, he totally means "I understand that your feelings haven't changed, you still despise me, I won't bug you again," except that's not what she means, but that's okay, these two are all about misunderstanding each other.
(source) OH MY GOD I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS. IT'S SUCH AN IMPULSE MOVE FROM LIZZIE, AND SHE YANKS HER HAND BACK INSTANTLY LIKE SHE'S ALREADY THOUGHT BETTER OF IT. I just regret that we don't get to see Darcy's face at this, because can you even imagine what it must be doing??????? Also, her wishing him a good day and him telling her he'll see her around!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!!! UGH YOU JUST NEED TO BE MAKING OUT ALREADY COME ON. (Also, sidebar, but the format of this adaptation makes me super nervous that we might never get to see legit makeouts between these two, and THAT THOUGHT FILLS ME WITH DESPAIR. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG, SHOW!!!!!)
ALSO RANDOM SINCERE WISH: I know everyone has mentioned that Darcy and Lizzie need to do a costume theater of each other (like, at the same time), and I definitely want that, but at the very LEAST, I just would love Darcy doing costume theater of anyone!!! I have this picture of like… Gigi coming in to help Lizzie and do costume theater because Gigi's Lizzie's only friend at Pemberley and she knows about the videos, and then she has to leave ~unexpectedly (aka due to matchmaking) and she's like "Oh, but Darcy will fill in for me!" and both Darcy and Lizzie are awkward but Darcy's too polite to say no, and he's insistent that he can do it and Lizzie's like "…well… okay…" and he's stiff and awkward at first, of course, but then he gets really into it. I DON'T KNOW, I mean, I don't even know what like the context would be, IT DOESN'T NEED CONTEXT, and I still want Lizzie and Darcy doing costume theater of each other (…I first typed that just as "doing each other," which, yes, also want, but not what I mean here, whoops), but I would think that would come after the 2nd proposal when they already know they both like each other, and what I really want is Darcy being awkward and stiff at costume theater at first, but then getting into it. I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, I JUST WANT IT FOR REASONS OF SCIENCE AND STUPID FACES, OK.
New Girl
This episode was kind of… weird? I mean, there was a lot I enjoyed, it just felt kind of… weird. I don't know why!
First off, the Schmidt/Winston storyline ended up a lot better than I expected based just on the like episode description. I enjoyed that they just had it revolve around Winston messing with Schmidt because Schmidt was being ridiculous, and the misunderstanding with the guy who just thought they wanted directions was pretty hilarious, and I loved Winston's reaction when Schmidt told him he'd have the vanilla chocolate swirl at the end.
The Nick/Jess stuff… I'M JUST CONFUSED WHY ANGIE LEFT AT THE END. She seemed into him and then she just split!!!!!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND. IT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. I JUST. IDK.
But backing up, NICK GOING TO TAKE CARE OF JESS UPSTAIRS AFTER SHE DRINKS TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Also, Jess was totally more pissed that Angie would cheat on Nick than that she was trying to kiss Sam!!!!!! COME ON. ugh. AND JESS "NOT" HUGGING NICK AFTER ANGIE LEAVES!!!!!!!! SO CUTE. AND TELLING HIM SHE DIDN'T DESERVE HIM AWWWWWW.
Also, random, but I died at: "But I need like a backstory, like why am I mad at the can?" And drunk Nick is forever the best.
(…this reaction is super disjointed and brief, but oh well, it was a weird episode to me for some reason, I don't know how to talk about it!!! Whatever, this show is just always a delight for me.)
Cougar Town
THIS SHOW IS BACK YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! I only have a couple things I wanted to comment on briefly:
[-] I totally adored Jules being mad at Grayson for something he did to her in a dream!!! It's so in character for her, and I also think everyone's had something like that happen, where something happens in a dream and it affects the rest of your day even though you're fully aware it did not actually happen. So that was just incredibly enjoyable to me.
[-] THAT TRAVIS/LAURIE SCENE WHERE SHE'S LIKE "We were going to talk about what you said to me…" and he's like "Yeah…" AND THEN RUNS AWAY. GREATEST. But mostly greatest because THE SHOW IS NOT LETTING LAURIE/TRAVIS GO AWAY, YAYYYY. (Still ship them a ridiculous amount and hoping to death we finally get makeouts this season!!!!! I AM OPTIMISTIC!!!!!!!!!!)
…like I said, I didn't have a lot to say. BUT THIS SHOW IS BACK AND THAT'S SUPER GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH GOD THIS EPISODE. I really wasn't expecting most of what happened!!!!! I was afraid that the dude would actually be Moriarty since it seemed too soon for him to be introduced. But I like what they ended up doing with Moran! And that Moran didn't kill Irene. I'm a little torn between whether I think Moriarty actually killed Irene or if she faked her own death. I'm leaning towards the latter because I just don't think they would kill her off and not let us see her on the show at all, and from what I've read about the source material (since… I haven't actually read any of the books, whoops. My experience with Sherlock Holmes is this show, Sherlock, and the RDJ movies. And the various other places Sherlock Holmes has popped up in popular culture, but not the actual books), a major part of her character is pulling one over on Sherlock, which… that would definitely be. And it would be sad if Irene was reduced just to fridgeing so Sherlock could be motivated to go after Moriarty. But I'm still not 100% sure, idk. But this is definitely the most engaged I've been in one of the cases all season, which is to be expected; I'm pretty much only ever invested in the cases on procedurals if they actually involve the main characters personally or if their lives are at stake.
AND THE SHERLOCK/JOAN STUFF (aka my priority, of course) WAS THE BEST. "You say the nicest things." = SO CUTE. I mean, obviously sarcastic, but she knows him so well, and it was just kind of… affectionate in a way? I DON'T KNOW. ALSO HE TOTALLY REFERRED TO IT AS "OUR" HOME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS GOING TO BE LEAVING. IT WAS STILL THEIR HOME. Before the end of the episode, I was like, "Obviously Joan will keep working with Sherlock, but PLEASE LET THERE BE SOME CONTRIVANCE SO SHE WILL ALSO HAVE TO CONTINUE TO LIVE WITH HIM!!!!!" because, I mean, that was only a requirement because her being a sober companion, and while it's not too hard to write a way for her to continue to work with him, it seemed like it would be more difficult to write in a way for her to continue to live with him. BUT APPARENTLY I NEEDN'T FEAR, BECAUSE SHE WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE THERE FOR NOW AT LEAST!!!!!! ugh how amazing was that????? Of course Sherlock's dad isn't going to care enough to keep her on, but OF COURSE she is going to continue on despite of that!!!!! I adore her lying to Sherlock, it almost felt like a move that would be characteristic of him (…if that sentence makes any sense). UGH JUST SO GREAT, I CAN'T. And I look forward to Sherlock finding out that she is choosing to continue to live there and work with him and be there for him even when she's not being paid by his dad!!!!!! And I look forward to him asking her to stay for real (and not just assuming she's going to stay like last week's ep) because that needs to happen!!!
Oscar noms!!!!!!!! One of my favorite days of the year, no lie. I… still haven't seen enough things to have real opinions, but a few various thoughts:
[-] I saw a few people say there were no real surprises in the nominations, but… I thought there were quite a few! I mean, most of the stuff was pretty predictable, but there were still some lovely surprises. LIKE BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD, AHHHH, I'M SUPER EXCITED. I would've been happy just at the film and Wallis being nominated, BUT THEN ZEITLIN TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY. Although, HOW WAS IT NOT NOMINATED FOR SCORE?????? ITS SCORE WAS BEAUTIFUL, EVEN PEOPLE WHO WEREN'T AS HUGE FANS OF THE MOVIE THOUGHT THE SCORE WAS A+++++, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND AT ALL.
[-] The directing category as a whole was a lot of fun!!!! I'm mostly just glad Tom Hooper didn't get nominated because I'm still slightly bitter at him winning over Fincher in 2009 (even though I did love The King's Speech), and while I haven't seen Les Miserables yet, I really kind of hate the look of the film from what I've seen??? idk. We'll see how I feel about it after I actually watch it, but for now I'm happy.
[-] Silver Linings Playbook!!!!!! I know everyone thinks it's overrated now, but idgaf, I loved it and am so happy about its nominations!!!! Except Director since, as I mentioned in my reaction to the movie, I'm not a huge fan of O'Russell's style of filmmaking, actually; I enjoyed the film kind of… despite him instead of because of him. And Jacki Weaver probably didn't have enough that was worthy of her being nominated, but at least that indicates the film has a lot of support, which makes me think it has a decent chance at winning, especially with Argo and Zero Dark Thirty missing out on Director. I mean, I know everyone's saying Lincoln now should easily take it, but Lincoln didn't really get nominated for anything that wasn't unexpected, you know? So I don't think it's so obviously going to go to Lincoln. It would also be kind of fun if Best Picture went to something that's not nominated for Director (although please don't let it go to Argo).
[-] MOONRISE KINGDOM FOR SCREENPLAY, YAY!!!!!!!! I wish it would've gotten nominated for more, but I wasn't expecting it to, so it getting nominated anywhere was nice.
[-] NO SCREENPLAY NOD FOR LOOPER, YESSSS!!!!!!!! Sorry, but that was easily my least favorite film of the year, and there was some buzz about it possibly getting a screenplay nod. BUT NO!!!
…I think those were all my thoughts for my moment. Anyways, now that nominations are out, at least I know what I need to make my way through before the actual awards, so expect a post sometime in the near future after I've seen more things about what I want to win and what I think should have been nominated instead!
I had my 3rd career counseling session on Wednesday, which was… fine? idk, it's hard to really describe them since I just took another assessment and we talked briefly about some stuff. Right now it looks like I'm kind of heading into getting a Master's in Social Work and becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, which… was exactly what I was planning back when I was a sophomore in college before I changed my mind because I decided I wasn't sure enough and wanted to explore other stuff first, and I'll feel a little silly if I end up going that route just because I'll feel like I wasted these past few years unnecessarily. But we'll see, I still have some doubts (but there's no career that I feel like 100% about, and idk, I'M JUST A REALLY INDECISIVE PERSON AND I HAVE WAY TOO MANY INTERESTS). My last career counseling session is mid-February, so hopefully at that point I can make some sort of decision and figure out a battle plan and go from there.
Work has been annoying, as usual. But it just gets worse, like, I feel myself getting irritated with people I used to get along with really well. I'm just so done with everything there. And I was also annoyed this week because it's been crazy slow and they've actually been letting people leave early, but I never am the one who gets to leave early. And my supervisor every single day will be like "Maybe we'll get to leave early today!" to me, and then SHE NEVER LETS ME GO EARLY, SHE ONLY LETS OTHER PEOPLE GO, OR NO ONE. I just feel like I'm being jerked around, like I wouldn't care as much if she didn't say anything, but then she gets my hopes up and I become anxious all day to get to go home, and then I have to stay the whole time!!!! And yesterday she had us all take half hour breaks in case we were slow so we could be let home early, and she told me, "At the very least, you could go half an hour early," so I took a half hour lunch which I hate doing because things are not close enough to my office to really have time to get something and eat lunch during that time, and I also wanted to watch the new LBD episode and flail over it, and that didn't really give proper time to do all that. But I really wanted to be let home half an hour early, so I took only a half hour and scarfed down some food quickly, and then we got busier in the afternoon and I worked until my normal time anyways, so I actually ended up working half an hour of overtime even though we're not actually busy enough to be doing OT right now!!!! UGH IT ANNOYED ME SO MUCH. sigh.
Anyways, in conclusion, I can't stop watching the last LBD video on a loop, SEND HELP.