10 Years Ago, I...
1. Had a broken arm
2. Started hating school
3. Dated a guy for a year
4. Had a best friend that really was the best
5. Wanted to be 16
5 Years Ago, I...
1. Started getting sad
2. Started getting angry
3. Started feeling not good enough
4. Had a furby
5. Sat in Mr. Wood's class with Chelsea and got into trouble
Yesterday, I...
1. Watched movies
2. Slept
3. Helped Chelsea with her project
4. Drank thera-flu
5. Had one of the best conversations ever
Today, I...
1. Went to the basketball game
2. Went to the soccer game
3. Lost my cell phone
4. Went to the football game
5. Saw Eric's haircut
Tomorrow, I will...
1. Go to school
2. Go to Grand Haven
3. Party
4. Think about how much I wish I was at home, in my bed, sleeping
5. Cry, or want to really badly.
5 Items I Have Brand Loyalty To:
1. Gum
2. Shampoo
3. Pop
4. Televisions
5. Markers
5 Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Ice cream
2. Fruit
3. Cookies
4. Popcorn
5. Gummy Bears
5 Songs I Know all the Words to, Even Without the Music:
1. Coldplay "The Scientist"
2. Anything RENT
3. Nirvana "Come As You Are"
4. Wallflowers "One Headlight"
5. Carol King "Where You Lead"
5 Things I Would Do With $1000:
1. Buy movies
2. Buy CDs
4. Save it
5. Go to New York and never come back.
Top 5 Locations I`d Like to Run Away To:
1. New York
2. Paris
3. Thailand
4. L.A.
5. Vegas
5 Bad Habits I Have:
1. I forget things
2. I procrastinate
3. I'm a sloppy person
4. I'm anal about the way my CDs and movies are arranged
5. My patience is awful
5 Things I like Doing:
1. Sleep
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Thinking
5. Partying
5 Things I Would Never Wear:
1. A windsuit
2. Leather pants
3. Snake-skin boots
4. Chaps
5. Stirrup pants
5 T.V. Shows I Like:
1. 7th Heaven
2. Real World
3. Roseanne
4. Road Rules
5. Dawson's Creek
5 Movies I Like:
1. The Crow
2. Riding in Cars With Boys
3. Fight Club
4. Romeo and Juliet (Leo & Claire)
5. Harry Potter
5 Famous People I'd like to Meet:
1. Brad Pitt
2. Johnny Depp
3. Thom Yorke
4. Kurt Cobain
5. Chris Martin
5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. I'm listening to music
2. I'm going to bed soon
3. I might get a new cell phone
4. I might get to sleep in tomorrow
5. I'm home, in my bed
5 Facts about me:
1. I like to listen
2. I talk a lot
3. Sometimes, I wish I was brave, I wish I was stronger, I wish I could feel no pain
4. I really like Radiohead and Nirvana
5. I read a lot of music magazines
5 Random Thoughts:
1. I want to go out to the car and get my new magazine
2. Tomorrow might be a long night
3. I hope my brother doesn't realize that I've stolen his phone
4. Tomorrow will come too soon
5. I should buy a Bush CD