I swear, right now, I really want somebody to cuddle with.
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Hazel Eyes
What Color Eyes Should You Have? brought to you by
Quizilla you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Congradulations...Ure Cool Cuz U Actully Like Nfg
And Ure Not Just A Teeny Bopper :)
Are You A True New Found Glory Fan? brought to you by
Quizilla You are in love, but you keep screwing it up. You
are trying hard to make things work because you
arent ready to let go yet.
What is your New Found Glory Anthem song? brought to you by
Quizilla You are a New Found Glory guru! I worship you! Good
Job, you really did your homework...you are
truly a die hard fan and that my friend, is
super cool! Keep up the good taste in music and
always remember to STAY GOLD!!!
What is your New Found Glory IQ? brought to you by
Quizilla Somebody hug me.