That's an incredible story. Thanks for sharing. I guess I feel sorry for the Paranoid Nation.
groping around at the back of a freezer for a can of plain yogurt - since eating strawberry curd rice isn't very appealing -- I actually tried that once, back when I was still eating desi food. Let me just say I remember the taste to this day :)
I'm on a weight training diet (high protein, low fat, low sugar) and eat such crazy things as raw egg whites and cottage cheese :)
But I also eat a lot of normal stuff. There's a variety of excellent non-desi vegetarian stuff out there, and the great thing is that it requires little or no cooking. Oatmeal is the perfect breakfast. Pasta is a great staple food. I'm sure you've tried the vermicelli brand in India. Tortillas are great too -- you can heat them up in a minute. At least at my supermarket, there are a variety of canned beans (chick peas, double beans...) that go well with tortillas and don't require further cooking. For fast food I stick with Subway. Among restaurants, Thai is my favorite -- similar to Indian food but subtly different. I do eat Indian food (rice, dal, spinach, and some vegetables) but the preparation is much improvised -- I don't care for traditional recipes very much. Have fun.
Yeah, I have been following the progress of the movie with interest, including Alan Moore's utter disgust and contempt for the film-makers! After what they did to LoEG, you can't blame him really. Still and all, I can't wait to check out the movie.
Oh yes, LoEG. I'm stunned by that one, really. Well, this one does look a little better - and well, there's a chance that if it isn't, people will seek out the book and all that. Moore was given quite a bum deal on this one, though.
Comments 50
groping around at the back of a freezer for a can of plain yogurt - since eating strawberry curd rice isn't very appealing -- I actually tried that once, back when I was still eating desi food. Let me just say I remember the taste to this day :)
I've always wanted to try some funny fruity flavour, but I haven't had the courage.
Also, if I may ask - what are you eating now? I'd be interested in getting some reccos :)
But I also eat a lot of normal stuff. There's a variety of excellent non-desi vegetarian stuff out there, and the great thing is that it requires little or no cooking. Oatmeal is the perfect breakfast. Pasta is a great staple food. I'm sure you've tried the vermicelli brand in India. Tortillas are great too -- you can heat them up in a minute. At least at my supermarket, there are a variety of canned beans (chick peas, double beans...) that go well with tortillas and don't require further cooking. For fast food I stick with Subway. Among restaurants, Thai is my favorite -- similar to Indian food but subtly different. I do eat Indian food (rice, dal, spinach, and some vegetables) but the preparation is much improvised -- I don't care for traditional recipes very much. Have fun.
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