i am fucking sick of your rude comments you racist bitches. you fucking offend me, then my friends. hell no! next time, im going to fucking kick your ass. you better fucking believe it. you deserve it. you are fucking assholes. i swear almost everyone at northside is racist. i hope someone hangs you or burns you. how can you think that because of
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Comments 19
Your music sucks.
You don't eat.
You're bulimic.
You suck.
So, deepthoughts182 gets +5 points on the cool scale, but being someones friend that does the same things that you don't like gets you -20 points. I mean she hates us for how much money our parents have, and I find that extremely stupid. Good luck with your life.
Yeah, i give you 5 points for your information but the definition of bulimia includes eating food of substance and then throwing that up most likely because of self esteem issues.Yeah but bile isnt food.I don't even know how that came up.So anyways, you get -25 for getting off topic,and giving me useless info.
*I'm not saying you guys do act like brats but if you do then well I guess she has a point.*
Hands Up! Hands Up! Here's another one.. and a.. and a.. another one
Ee-Ee Whoo-Whoo
Why you all in my ear? Talkin' a whole bunch a sh*t that I ain't tryin to hear.
Get Back! Motherfucker You don't know me like that.
Get back! Motherfucker You don't know me like that!
So, so, come on, come on. DON'T get swung on, swung on. It's the knick-knack-patty-whack still riding cadillacs. Family
off the streets, made my homies put the baggies back
Lmao you all some stupid crackas we need some love up in this beotch
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