Just to be predictable, I will copy someone else's words for I am out of my original ideas again, "why live life, from dream to dream?" We write about our feelings, even one with no artistic abiltiy could not copy those.
Got this from my favorite one cent hoe bag, beccababy.
01. Last Cigarette: never had one.
02. Last Kiss: it's been a while.
03. Last Cry: yesterday.
04. Last Library Book Checked out: TTYL.
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: It's been so long I don't even remember.
06. Last Book Read: TTYL
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: Bitch.
08. Last Beverage Drank: Fruti 2o.
09. Last Food Consumed:brownie. 11. Last TV Show Watched: Next.
13. Last Shoes Worn: pointy shoes.
14. Last CD Played: My mix.
15. Last Soda Drank: Fanta.
16. Last Thing Written: poem in my poem book..
17. Last Words Spoken: I said goodbye to Alona on the phone.
18. Last Sleep: last night.
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Rocky road.
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: i'd rather not say.
24. Last Time Dancing: earlier this evening.
26. Last Big Car Ride: last week to my shrink.
27. Last Crush: .....no one.:(
28. Last Annoyance: austin in english.
29. Last Disappointment: Sam being sad.
30. Last Time Scolded: yesterday.
31. Last Web Site Visited: Myspace.com
01. piercings = none.
02. tattoos = none
03. height = 5'0"
04. shoe size = 6
05. hair color = light brown.
06. siblings = 1 brother and a half sister.
01. movie you rented = Euro trip.
02. movie you bought = I've never bought one.
03. person you've called = Alona.
04. person that's called you = Mommy.
06. person you were thinking of = My mom.
07. friend you made = GRACE!
01. you have a crush on someone = no.
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = yes,Poland
03. you think about suicide. = yes
05. others find you attractive = some.
06. you want more piercings/which do you have? = i would like even one to start, and my stomach.
07. you drink = never have..
08. you do illegal drugs = never have.
09. you smoke = never have.
10. you like cleaning = YES!
11. you like roller coasters = of course
12. you write in cursive or print = print
long distance relationships: if it works for you, do it.
suicide = against.
killing people = depends, for what.
driving drunk = AGAINST
soap operas = either.
thing to do = love and be loved.
thing to talk about = Russia.
sports = gymnastics.
drinks = vodka...JK!Cocoa and water.
clothes = holed pants and my ski jacket thingy that I got at Bill Hallman.
movies = romy and Michelle's high school reunion, and the Pianist..
holiday = christmas.
ever cried over a girl = yeah, my best friend.
ever cried over a boy = No.
ever lied to somebody = sure.
ever been in a fist fight = never.
ever been arrested = never.
shampoo do you use = Paul Mitchell.
shoes do you wear = pointy shoes, abercrombie flip flops and hooker boots.
are you scared of = mental disorders, drowning.
do you look for in a person = trust, loyalty, and love.
.. of times you have been in love? = never.
.. of times you have had your heart broken = never
.. of girls you have kissed? = none.
.. of boys you have kissed? = not many.
.. of drugs taken illegally? = none.
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? = 2
.. of people you consider your enemies? = like 5.
.. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? = twice
.. of scars on your body? = 3
.. of things in your past that you regret? = none. like beccababy said, the regrets and mistakes make you who you are.