;; app for sirenspull

Dec 16, 2011 05:13

Player Information

Name: Shannon
Age: 25
AIM SN: newagedavinci
email: bandakar (at) gmail (dot) com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: N/A
Conditional: Activity Check Link: N/A
Conditional: Official Reserve Link: Here

Character Information

Canon Source: Glee
Canon Format: TV Series
Character's Name: Finn Hudson
Character's Age: 17 years old
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A

What form will your character's NV take? It looks something like an iPhone 3GS.

Character's Canon Abilities: All the abilities that Finn possesses are abilities that any teenage boy his age could easily possess. Needless to say, there is nothing that special about Finn Hudson.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? I imagine that Finn would possess something akin to superhuman durability. With his aggressive tendencies toward those who have wronged him as well as his aggressive interests (namely, football). He may not be able to dole out punishment quite like some of the other boys he knows, but he can take it. The durability wouldn't make him completely impervious to injury or pain, (he's definitely not impervious to pain), the injury, itself, is just something that would take longer to affect him.

As a passive ability, it's something that wouldn't need to be triggered, but rather, it would manifest upon arrival in Siren's Port. It's something ever-present, though not exactly to his knowledge. It's not really something he'd notice right away, after all, with spending so many years playing tackle football, and getting into fights.
Weapons: N/A

Character History: The wiki has a pretty comprehensive history
Point in Canon: 2x22 : New York - I'd like to take Finn from after they find out the results of the nationals competition, but before they go back to Lima.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality:

Captain of the McKinley High football team, starting quarterback, (formerly) dating the head cheerleader, Finn Hudson has every reason to exude the confidence everyone sees. He knows that he's talented and he knows that the football team wouldn't have a chance without his arm out on the field. Plus, he's where every teenager wants to be: At the head of the cool kids' table. He's popular, liked, almost revered at McKinley High. He seems to belong in that place that he's carved out for himself and while he certainly deserves it, belonging is a different story.

At the beginning of the series, Finn is significantly more weak-willed than most would believe. In his quest to fit in and to stay on top, he doesn't really stand up for the things that he believes in. A reluctant bully, as it were. In the beginning, he isn't exactly seen actively bullying Kurt, but he isn't putting a stop to it either, while it seems that he easily could (He tells his teammates / "friends" to wait before they toss Kurt into the dumpster and there's little to no hesitation before they do what he says. He's simply holding onto Kurt's sweater for him, though, to keep it from getting messed up in the dumpster. Once he has the sweater, he allows the bullying to proceed). Being that person isn't something he particularly agrees with (as later evidenced by the way he apologizes for the things he did while acting as one of the school bullies) but it's something he does because his reputation is important to him. He feels that without it, he's nothing. To Finn, it's important that people see him a certain way, and because of that, he gives in to the peer pressure and plays the role of the stereotypical popular jock.

Once he joins the glee club (blackmailed into it or otherwise), it starts to become more clear that Finn really is a decent guy, beneath the persona he's built up for himself. He apologizes for some of the things he's done, and even some of the things that he had no part in. Glee club lets him be who he wants to be, and what he wants to be is a good man. He wants to be a man who his father could have been proud of, one who makes good choices and looks out for those he loves and cares for.

Finn's not the inherently unsympathetic person he tries to be in front of his jock friends. When given the "gift" of the wheelchair-bound Artie in a Port-a-Potty, locked and ready to flip, once he decides he'll be staying on the football team in lieu of quitting for glee club (he, instead, opts for both), Finn finally takes a stand against the other bullies in the school and frees Artie instead. He claims to be able to embrace the loser that he feels he is, because he feels that they're all losers. It's a little hypocritical of him to say, though, since he wants nothing more than to stay on top, among his peers. He even goes as far as to go to the guidance counselor, Miss Pillsbury, for advice on how to be cool again.

From time to time, Finn tends toward being something of a hypocrite. He doesn't seem to hold himself to the same standards as everyone else. He can see Rachel behind Quinn's back and doesn't really see the problem with it (there may not have been a relationship between he and Rachel at the time, while he was with Quinn, but he did spend time with her again and again, possibly knowing that it would lead to a kiss, again and again), doesn't question what he's doing with Rachel as often as he should, yet Quinn being with Puck, cheating on him with Puck, was completely unacceptable. Rachel cheating on Finn with Puck was awful, but Finn trying to coax Quinn back to him while she was with Sam was okay. Kissing Quinn was okay, because it was what he'd wanted. He's not the one getting hurt in these situations. Often to him, things are just okay where he benefits.

As far as him benefiting from things, from time to time, he'll go where he has to and does what it takes. This can lead him to be knowingly manipulative. He'll use what he knows about people as a means to an end. It's never done with malicious intent though. He doesn't seem to think as far as to how it might affect other people. Like when he finds out that there could be a chance of him getting a scholarship in music and therefore, grant him more chances to go places than just football would. Doing well enough would mean getting Rachel, who'd recently parted ways with the glee club, to rejoin The New Direction. He knows how she feels about him and uses that against her, to get closer to her, to convince her to come back to the glee club (though it isn't the entire reason, since he has feelings for her, as well). He doesn't think of the fact that she'll get hurt if she finds out the truth, and seems almost surprised by her hurt when she does find out. He knows that he manipulated her but at first, he doesn't really seem to understand just how it's wrong. There are times when he just doesn't seem to get that the ends don't always justify the means.

While usually fairly even-tempered, Finn's quick to snap when he feels he's been wronged. Under normal circumstances, he can keep everything tied together, but he's too emotional, and sometimes they just get the better of him. Sometimes (a lot of the time), they can lead to violent outbursts. He's gotten into fights more than a few times over hurt and betrayed feelings. Far too often, he's ruled by his emotions which makes him say and do things without really thinking of them. He rarely puts any thought into consequence, until he's faced with it (and sometimes taken almost completely by surprise by it). Despite that, he does try to maintain a certain level of strength for himself and those around him. There's a lot that he tries to keep to himself, to keep from piling his own problems onto other people. He internalizes a lot of things (sometimes too much) but just like everyone else, Finn has a breaking point.

On top of everything, Finn's generally good-hearted. Everything he does, he thinks he's going for the right reasons. He doesn't see the underlying malice in a lot of what he does (of course, it doesn't make a lot of the things he does forgivable). He tries to do well for the greater good of himself and the glee club as well as the football team, but what he doesn't see is that his ideas aren't always good or even right. It's also to try to prove himself a leader, though. He wants to do right by everyone. It just doesn't always work out so well. It throws a wench in things as often as it helps.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: For a while, anyway, he'll probably be sticking pretty close to his friends from Lima, going to school, anything to make the Siren's Port experience feel as normal as possible. He'll probably always try to stay fairly neutral, once he starts really finding out about the two major powers of the city. His very nature dictates that he can be swayed to one side or the other, though, with the right argument.

Appearance/PB: Cory Monteith as Finn Hudson

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[When the feed starts, it shows a teenager with a less than pleased looking half smile, and tired eyes. His eyes dart this way and that, before eventually settling on the NV device]

Kinda thought about doing this earlier, but I don't know. Just felt a little weird, the whole idea of talking to myself. But since this is how I'll be communicating around here then I guess it isn't exactly talking to myself or whatever.

[He pauses there and rubs his eyes]

So, uh, did anyone else kinda- [He pauses yet again. He seems more than a little uncomfortable in his current surroundings. When he speaks up once more, his voice is quieter as though he's not really sure he wants to admit what he's about to say, but the fact that he also leans in toward the NV device to compensate sort of makes the rest of it a little pointless] Did anyone else have a lot of trouble sleeping when they first got here. Like, I don't think I even closed my eyes last night.

Uh, anyway, um, is there someone here or out there or whatever who could maybe explain to me what's going on? I'm not really sure I get it.

Third Person Sample

Canada was supposed to be friendly people and year-round snow and Eskimos. This wasn't the place he'd seen on the back of the calendars, and the last ones that he'd seen were from this year, so there was no way that it changed that much in the span of a year. At least he figured that the pictures were probably taken during the previous year. It didn't matter though. This place was, like, Fallout, minus the nuclear holocaust or whatever happened in that game. Some end of the world type deal.

Not that it mattered. It wasn't even worth figuring out. Or maybe it was. Sounded like he was going to be there for a while. Give him something to do, something to focus on. He shook his head. He wouldn't even know where to start. His brow furrowed and he rubbed his eyes as he paced from wall to wall. He wasn't going to let himself panic. He wasn't going to allow himself to break down. It may have just been him there, but it was somewhat comforting, being the strong one, the one to keep it together. Maybe he'd be lucky enough to find out that the power of persuasion or whatever was real. Maybe he really would start to believe that the strength isn't just a front he's putting up right now.

It wasn't even so much the look of the place or anything, but rather, the fact that he seemed to be brought here forcefully, without his consent, that was what made his stomach twist uncomfortably. Honestly, the city, town, whatever it was, seemed relatively normal, as far as layout and such went, but something in his gut told him not to put much stock in the layout. If he didn't already know how shitty of a thing kidnapping was, movies and TV certainly did. And sure, they had a tendency to over-exaggerate with things, but still. With how the whole thing went down, he figured it wasn't some sort of conventional kidnapping but whatever. The equation was there. The numbers were just in the wrong order or something (math wasn't really his thing).

Finn was pulled from his thoughts of Eskimos and kidnappings by the sounding of the siren. It felt like it was gripping his chest too tightly, and sucking the air from his lungs. Or maybe that was a little less about the sound, itself, and more about him. He recalled a greeter or whatever it was mentioning something about a siren, but Finn had only been half paying attention. He listening skills always had been less than impressive. He couldn't recall exactly what it was for, but it had to be some kind of disaster warning or something. Wasn't that what sirens were usually used for in cities?

Moving to a window, Finn pushed it open and peered out to see what was going on. Probably not the smartest idea (especially if he was right about the disaster warning part) but he had to know. Slack-jawed and expression blank, Finn simply watched as the darkness swallowed up the city and that relatively normal layout and whatever else made it seem like a relatively normal city to him was about the furthest thing from his mind. His eyes widened, his once slow, even breaths became short and quick and his heart started to pound in his chest. Was this what having a heart attack felt like?

His first notice of the decay following the darkness and eating up the city had him slamming the window shut and backpedaling until his back hit the opposite wall. He inhaled sharply, the sudden hard surface at his back having startled him and he slide to the floor. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of the decay that seemed to have crept into the apartment, that seemed to be lining the window. When was the last time he even blinked? He could be strong through this, though. He could do it because it was what his father would have done. That was part of the reason why Finn tried so desperately to swallow back the lump in his throat, and hold off the tears that were welling up in his eyes. Plus, he just couldn't break down. Not yet. Not now. Who knew when someone would find him or when he'd find a way home?

He just couldn't it do anymore, though. He pulled his knees up to his chest and curled his arms around them. He stared down the window for a few more seconds that felt like a few eternities before burying his face in his arms and letting the tears fall.

&application, @siren's pull

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