Another Survey, so that way I don't have the urge to procrastinate @home.

Mar 24, 2004 14:37

1. One Kleenex or two when you blow your nose?: One
2. Have you ever drank Slimfast?:Yeah... I actually liked it.
3. If so, what's your favorite kind?: Vanilla
4. Did you really need to drink it?: No. I just wanted to know what it tasted like.
5. Do you listen to music off your computer?: Yes
6. Do you wear headphones so you don't distract other people?: Sometimes. it depends how badly they need to concentrate. if they're talking, I'm listening w/o headphones.
7. Have you ever blown a speaker out in a car from having too much bass?: Nah. I would only do that with classical music, like Beethoven's 5th and the 1812 Overture. But since they're so overplayed, you never hear them on the radio, so I can't use them to blast the speakers out of my non-existant car.
8. Do you use highlighters frequently?: Yes. a lot. pretty!
9. Do you carry scissors?: Yes. you need em for school...
10. Do you wish you did?: When I need them, I'm happy I have them.
11. How about fingernail clippers?: used to. I need to get those back.
12. Blue or black ink?: blue.
13. Do you own a pair of flannel pants?: Yes! snowboarding.
14. Do you wear slippers around the house?: um... though I have a couple of pairs, I don't really wear them. they get in the way
15. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?: if they're my boots, yes. if they'r emy velcros, no.
16. Can you keep a pair of white shoes clean for very long?: white's a shoe color?
17. Do you wash your car a lot?: car?
18. How much does it cost to fill your vehicle up?: about five Euro.
19. Is your buddy list mainly people you don't talk to?: nah, actually. I get ambushed.
20. Do you put your dirty clothes in a basket or just let they lay on your bedroom floor?: I usually miss the basket, and then put them in once I have to take them over to get washed.
21. Are your dresser drawers organized?: Uh, no.
22. Will your parents kill you if you bring home a D?: No, but they would be severly disappointed in me and tell me that I need to work... over and over... even though I am. I don't blame them, but sometimes they just need to stop before I start resisting.
23. Do you belong to Sam's club?: Yes!
24. Do you like Super Target?: um... there are so many bad jokes in Europe about Target.
25. What's your view on the Baker's Value Card?: edible?
26. Has someone accidentally given you back the wrong change and you just kept it?: no. sometimes I do have morals, lol.
27. Ever been to a hockey game?: Yes! It rocked!
28. Ever laughed at a retard?: no
29. Ever faked a call on your cell phone?: yes. too many times.
30. Ever swung your left arm back and forth so much when you walked that anyone within 20 feet?: Um... I have no clue what this question is.
31. Ever spit on anyone?: Um... no. I don't like being spit on, so why would I do it? I've drooled... which I apologized for... lol. But that was a while ago.
32. Ever been spit on?: yeah. long long time ago. four years?
33. Ever watched someone be spit on?: yeah.
34. Ever growled at someone?: deinfately. GR.
35. Ever been meowed at?: no.
36.Do you grab for your cell phone whenever you hear a ring? Yes. but only if the ringtone is "Domine Deus" or "The Scientist"
37. Does your mom still do your laundry?: Sometimes. I don't like it. I want to do my own laundry.
38. Do you have a camera of your own?: dispensible
39. Do you spend extremely too much time on your computer?: not any more... but it used to be an extreme addiction.
40. Do you pick your nose when you drive because you think just because you have tinted windows they can't see you?: um... I drive a scooter, there are no tinted windows, and that's just pretty sick.
41. Do you think your mom's hot?: My stepmom is gorgeous. My mother used to be beautiful, but then she got biter. I miss her.
42. Do you honestly sing in the shower?: I don't remember not singing in the shower.
43. Do you ever wave at complete strangers?: yeah, if they smile at me. Why not wave?
44. Have you ever farted in a room and walked out?: um... no?
45. Have you ever eaten at a Truck Stop?: Yes, the food's actually better than in the restaraunts around DC half the time.
46. Have you ever found out that there was no toilet paper in the stall after you sat down?: yeah. I have someone throw some over, normally.
47. Are you the moron that writes on the bathroom walls?: Only things that I think will make people think, not those "Anarchy" crap signs that the morons write and not know what anarchy is.
48. Why are there visible bacteria in the sinks at school?: Not this one... this is the best school I've ever been to. Much to the surprise of quite a few students here.
49. Do you park in the same place everyday at school or close to the same place?: I try to, but sometimes someone has stolen my slot at the bar.
50. Do you love your car as much as I love mine?: Nah. getting another one when I hit the USA.
51. Do pimples piss you off?: It's a fact of life. If you can prevent them, they aren't there. But some are not there.
52. Do they hurt?:um... no?
53. Have you ever had a wart (anywhere)?: yes, I actually had one on the palm of my hand. it hurt like hell.
54. Do your parents ask you gay questions?: um, no?
55. How much does your dog weigh?: probibly 10 pounds.
56. Do you treat your parents like shit?: no-- they deserve all the respect in the world, no matter how much
57. Are you disrespectful according to them? I haven't been accused of that in a long time.
58. Do you know that its actually a privilege to live under their roof?: Yes. and I try my best to hold up my end of the deal.
59. Do you get a lot of junk email?: Nope... I love military mail systems.
60. Do you get a lot of junk regular mail?: not really... I love military mail systems.
61. Do you have a blank paper near by?:yes. Always.
62. How long are your showers?: depedns on how I'm feelings. I'm a compulsive shower taker, so I have to clean.
63. Do you shower?: yes.
64. Do you chemically alter your hair (by yourself)?: Used to, but I love the color of my hair now, so I'm trying to grow it back in time for Prom.
65. Does your mom try to help you although you know you're beyond help?: um... I'm not beyond help. Help is good, and it's for me. Who wrote this survey?
66. Do you like your job?: at the IYS, there are days when I want to yell, "If I'm doing such a good job, why don't you pay me so I can continue it instead of having to look elsewhere?"
67. Do you even work?: yeah. Volunteer, Mostly.
68. Do your parents complain about how much of their money you spend?: I don't spend that much money, actually. Just for the things I need. They tell me to spend as much money as I need, but honestly, I don't need anything I don't already have.
69. Do they threaten you if you don't make the honor roll?: no.
70. Do you make it to school on time?: Normally. I used to be slack, but I'm better now.
71. Do you ever stop for breakfast?: when driving? yeah. I have a coffee at mCdonalds.
72. Have you ever been late because you had to wash your car first?: no.
73. Have you ever flashed anyone the peace sign while driving down the road?: yeah. Because it felt good to finally be driving.
74. Does your dog jump on the door and then get yelled at?: My dogs back in VA used to. And probibly still do. I don't know.
75. Do people call you and piss you off?: Yeah. I wish Daniel E. Would just back off.
76. Do you click over when someone beeps in and you're on the phone?: ouh?
77. Do you take good messages for people or do you blow it off?: I take good messages. it sends me into convulsions to not have either the date, name, time, and message of the person who called.
78. Have you ever broken a kitchen utensil and thought your mom was going to be angry with you?: um, yes.
79. Is the word "dude" part of your everyday vocabulary?: probibly never.
80. Do other peoples parents scare you?: No. they're people just like I am, and deserve just as much respect as I do. If they don't treat me well, that doesn't mean I have the right to disresect them. Especially if I'm friends with their son/daughter
81. Do you have a cell phone?: yes.
82. Does it have detachable faces?: yes, but I don't want them. What's the point?
3. Do you like leather couches?: don't care. I stick to them like I was glued.
84. Do you cross your legs when you sit down?: Ankles.
85. Do you wear one pair of shoes more then another? My Docs.
86. How many pairs of shoes do you have?: um...4?
87. Do you love shoes?: not really.
8. Do your quads hurt from running?: No. I know my limits, and only put them after I know I can do it. if you're smart and in shape, you don't hurt.
89. Do you wish a certain someone could rub them to make them feel better?: Whether or not they hurt... why not?
90. What kind of music do your parents listen to?: everything except punk or twang country
91. When you drive with your parents in the car, is it a battle over what radio station?:no. Scooter doesn't have a radio.
92. Do they think your choice of music is "just absolutely terrible!:?: Nah, they just don't perfer it.
93. Are you good at being a bitch?: I can be, if the role calls for it.
94. Have you ever cried because of physical pain?: back in VA was the last time.
95. Do you eat and drink in your room?: yes, eventhough I probibly shouldn't.
96. Do you wish you had a computer in your room?: yes, so I didn't have to use my parents-- they need theirs the most, but sometimes I have homework.
97. Do you bite your nails without even thinking about it?: I used to, but I'm better now.
98. Does thunder only happen when it's raining?: no.
99. Do players only love you when they're playing?: no. Normally they shy away from saying I love you when they're playing.
100. Do you have candles in your room?: yes
101. Do you have any beanie babies?: three or Four. Spirit, Tigger, and Hope.
102. Do you keep old shit that you made when you were little, like art projects and stuff?: No, I don't. it was thrown away after the move.
103. Do you still have the original Nintendo?: No. I don'y play the games.
104. Remember the duck hunting game?: Yes. I kick ass in it.
105. Do you like trampolines?: yes.
106. Have you ever jumped off a cliff?: a mountain
107. Like America's Most Wanted?: no
08. How about the show COPS?: no
109. Have you ever lit your hair on fire?: nah. I'm lucky.
110. Do you write on the desks at school?: um.. only stuff that will make people think.
111. Do you cover your textbooks?: if I have to
112. Do you doodle on your textbooks?: the covers.
113. Have you ever damaged another person's property?: yeah, I broke a lamp when I was 8... and lost maia's book, but I paid her back for it.
114. Been to the beach?: YES. love it. red lobster skin.
115. Do you like the school's convenience store?: we have a store.
116. Does your dog hump anything in sight?:
117. Do you have a duck or two or three that quack?: ouh? no.
118. Do you like track?: no. I run on my own.
119. Don't you think the track uniforms are yucky?: I don't really care... I'm not the one wearing them.
120. Is your modem louder then hell?: nah.
121. Do you have a shitty ass connection?: yes, because Net Tele2
122. Do you have an email account thru Yahoo!?: Yes.
123. Do you like the Tru Crew; do you even know who the Tru Crew is?: no
124. What's one of the cutest screen names you've ever seen?: I don't really care for them. I just hate the ones that say something like"XJessXicaX"
125. Have you thought about getting personalized plates for your car?: Yeah.
126. What would you put on them?: "Keeper" if possible. "Hope" maybe.
27. What COUNTY are you from?: fairfax
128. Do you know anyone that wears stretch pants that shouldn't?: *shudder* a couple too many
129. Do you know anyone with the nickname Lunchbox?: no
130. How about Woody?:
131. Or Bulldog?: no
132. Or T-Dawg?: does he eat T-bones? *rolls eyes*
33. Have you ever been skiing?: Yes!
134. Did you fall on your ass?: nah. always fell face first.
135. Are some people so full of themselves it makes you sick?: Yes, Daniel E. is one of them.
136. Do you know any male sluts?: yeah. Jeremy. sweet guy, but I can see through it.
137. Do you keep notes that people write you?: used to, but not really. only letters in the mail... I don't get mail a lot.
138. Who do you get the most notes from?: Frank.
139. Do you yell across the bowling alley at people you know?: Used to. Edsall Bowling Centre... I miss it. I spent New Year's there.
140. Do you yell across the school if you see a friend?: Depends on the friend. If they're outgoing, I will.
141. What does the number 7 mean to you?: Year olds--- the ones I work with in school.
142. Have you ever made a shout-out to your parents?: yes.
143. Have you ever thought about putting something on Ebay?: Nah. Don't trust it.
144. How often do you change your bed sheets?:every two weeks.
145. Have you ever taken a shower and then put on the dirty underwear you had just taken off?: um... no.
146. Are you good at scheduling activities?:depends on urgency.
147. Do you ever talk on the phone and type at the same time?: yes. all the time
148. Does it hurt your ear or your neck?: ear and neck. I'm talented
149. Do you have arthritis in your hands or fingers?: no. but the way I play cello, I probibly will sooner or later.
150. Do you like Scooby Doo?: not really. Used to love him.
151. Would you ever buy seat covers for your car?: yes. for my imaginary mini cooper.
152. Do you look at a picture of your boyfriend/girlfriend a lot and wish you were with them?: yeah.
153. Do you think there are too many people named Ashley and Jenny in this world?: yeah.
154. Would you ever name your child Bob?: no... already have enough of those in my family.
155. What's your highest bowling score?: 134, I think.
156. Have you ever played tennis?: Yes, and I love it.
157. Have you ever jumped off a trampoline into a pool?: yes, it rocked.
158. Have you ever played shuffleboard?: no, not particularly interested in it.
159. When's the last time you called someone a "penguin"?: um... my little borther did a couple of weeks ago. But it's okay. I might be a penguin, but he's a spud.
160. Do you wear your coat even when you're in your house?: if it's cold.
161. Have you ever been tanning?: No- I knwo I'll turn out to be a freak of nature.
162. Did you fry your ass?: -_- this is a loserass survey
163. Do you have freckles?: yeah
164. Do you think they're hot?: when they're darker. I love it when they actually show up.
165. Do you own any heavy machinery?: scooter?
166. Have you ever operated heavy machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol?: only under the pressure of asprin.
167. Have you ever dropped a bowling ball?: on my foot, and it rolled all the way off. not fun.
168. Have you ever wanted to die in someone's arms?: not really. I don't want to emotionally scar people.
169. Do you like people with red hair?: yes, but I'm partial.
170. Did you like the Chuckie movies?: haven't seen them.
171. Did you go to see Hannibal?: no, but I had the book
172. Am I way past done?: yes
173. Do you have a cute tummy?: cute, not yet. eventually.
174. Has someone told you have a nice ass?: yes.
175. Your pad or mine?: um... mine. is. better.?
176. Do you own toe socks?: used to, but they got old. I'm going to get another pair soon.
177. Do you have anything Hawaiian?: the dress I got in NYC and wore for peru.
178. Would I look hot in a skirt?: I don't know you.
179. Do you smile a lot?: not really. why smile when you're not happy? and I don't say I'm not happy, I just mean that every day is pretty much average now.
180. Have you ever actually looked at me?: can I start omitting craplike this?
181. Do you act your age?: I'm not sure. I have my days of acting my age.
182. Do you like freshmen?: what's wrong with them?
183. Do racist people piss you off?: you would not believe how much.
184. Are you a racist person?: no
185. Has anyone ever told you that you speak with a southern accent?: no, just a drunken lucky-charms accent.
186. Were you a bratty little son of a bitch when you were little?: no. I was a trouble maker.
187. Are you still?: no.
188. Name one person that's a jerk: I don't know. I'm not happy with my parents now telling me to go to MOSCOW and take online courses instead of just going straight to USF.
189. Are your parents always at work?: no
190. Have you ever hit a deer?: yes. I walked right up to him and punched him in the nose.
191. Have you ever come close to hitting a deer?: no
192. Have you ever gone to a restaurant and just had a glass of water?: yes.
193. Do you have school spirit?: at annandale, I did. but school spirit is extinct here
194. Do you enjoy pep rallies?: yeah. I get to break cow bells there
195. Does anything motivate you, if so what?: Life. Love. Indepedence.
196. Do you get a lot of days off of school?: Here, heck yeah
197. Can you surf?: nah.
198. Don't you wish Nebraska had a beach?: um... no. it's the only way to get nebraskans out of the state ;-)
199. What's your swimsuit look like?: black/white with grafitti. Bikini... which means I have to shape up.
200. Have you ever shot a bee bee gun at the neighbor's kid?: no. I had a sling shot.
201. Ford or Chevy?: um... chevy?
202. Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee?: wrangler.
203. Do you donate to the Goodwill?: nope. don't have one over here.
204. Have you ever just walked around for the hell of it?: yeah
205. When you talk on the phone, do you have to be doing something else too?: yes, unless it's night-time. then I'm only on the phone most times.
206. Have you ever considered being a cop?: yes. I think i could kick ass at it if I wanted to.
207. Do you have your own language with your friends?: no
208. Do you have so many inside jokes that it's annoying for other people to be around you?: occasionally
210. Do you have a tack board in your room?: nope.
211. What's on it?:
212. Do you make your bed?: sometimes, if I'm feeling ambitious or someone's coming over.
213. Is your alarm clock right by your bed?: sometimes. sometimes if I know I need to get up, I put it in the shower room.
214. What time do you usually leave your house for school?: 7:15
215. Are you in a world of shit for your grades?: probibly.
216. Are you thinking of some lie to make up to lessen the pain when they get your report card and you turn into dog shit?: no. liars have to support a lie with 100 more.
217. When's your last day of school?: june
218. Are you going to have a wild party?: YES!
219. Are you a constant failure?: nah. a random one. really rare, but random
220. Do you own a pair of sandals?: no
221. Do you wear pretty socks?: no
222. Do you ever forget to wear underwear? no... always on purpose.
223. Am I done?: Yes, thank god.
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