17 again!

May 02, 2009 21:03


Well I just finished watching the new movie "17 again" it was great. I couldn't say it was awsome because the plot is pretty cliche but as far as movies go it was pretty good.

God I sound like an ass and I'm not even a real movie critic. XD

Anyway, the only thing that I didn't like was the one-sided-almost-insest between Mike and his daughter, (shudders) I mean, I like incest but only when it's done right. *wink!* But other than that I loved everything about the movie!

I'm specially loving Matthew Perry, Thomas Lennon, and...gasp...Zac Effron.

Matthew was just plain brilliant. He didn't over act, everything was just natural for him, it was as if he was Mike O' Donell.

Next up is Thomas. I loved his character. Ned Gold is epic win! He is uch a dork and his adorable. He's freakin' adorkable. =DI loved the fact that he used to be picked on in High School and then turned out be so effin rich that he can rub it in the faces of the kids who used to bully him. Plus he and Principal Jane make a cute couple. X3

And course we have Zaccykins. I loved him in this movie. Actually, I love him in everything he's on except High School Musical. (Sorry HSM fans) He was perfect for this part, and I'm not saying this because I'm a fan I'm saying this because I've watched it myself. And besides it's just my opinion.

Moving on to my favorite scenes.

My first fave scene was when Mike chose to help Scar with their baby instead of finishing the biggest basketball game of his life.

Next one would be the moment "Mark" (Mike's 17 name) met his son, Alex. The line that alex said made me laugh so hard! And of course the epic scene in the cafeteria where Mike pretty much embarrassed the shit out of the ass- of -a- human -being -bully.
 Oh and Mike's speech during Sex ed class was worth quoting but I'm not gonna cause I kinda forgot some of it. XD

Actually I loved all the scenes in the movie. Except the part where his daughter almost raped his 17 year old self!

Fudge this movie was good. It's actually going on my fave movies list.

It's funny, and it gives an important lesson to it's watchers.

Sometimes it's hard not to regret some of the choices we made even for a little bit. But instead of focusing on how we can fix the past ,we should focus on the now and try to find a way to fix the present.


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