Petition to stop US ISP's from policing downloads

Mar 19, 2012 14:34

Originally posted by philstar22at Petition to stop US ISP's from policing downloads
Originally posted by ladyhadhafangat Petition to stop US ISP's from policing downloads
Originally posted by lk737at Petition to stop US ISP's from policing downloads
From jackvelvet, here is one petition to try to stop ISP's from policing downloads by their clients. Thank you jackvelvet!

Making this a repost, since the websites with the news are being circulated around too. Google shows this is the only petition so far. Thank you everyone! This action could create huge monopolies of internet companies who can afford to police their users. Eliminating all smaller ISP's. And forcing the large internet service providers to raise prices to cover the new expense.

!notice, bex is mad, !stop the insanity, !big brother is watching, freedom of speech on the internet

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