(no subject)

Aug 28, 2004 11:17

Since I am kind of upset i think i feel the need to write in my el-jay.

Today has been a bad day so far. I woke up to call work to tell them that i quit when i had already been fired yesterday but no one had the balls to tell me that. I can't wait to take my clothes back. I am going to tell the lady that i dont know where to put the clothes but i would really like to shove them up her ass. :) thats me being a sweetheart. After that my dad blamed me for taking money from him(which i didnt take because ask anyone who knows me, ive been writing out checks like you wouldnt believe to buy things). He screamed and yelled about it forever, oh well im sure he will get over it. Then the asshole has the nerve to take the car from me. I mean he made me go and take out all of my stuff and took all the keys(but not before i stole a set for myself haha). He said im never driving again because i put over 200 miles on the car in 3 days. Don't ask how i did that. I think it was going to g-ville 2 times but we will get back to that. After that he proceeds to leave the house and scream some more. Whatever. After that my mom found a car in the paper and called about it. I guess we are going to look at it. I just hope i get it. I really need my own car, I cant stand this and im not going to be able to take sitting in the house all the time with my dad's crazy ass screaming about everything. I really think he needs to visit the 4th floor of the hospital.

Anyways about my days.

Thursday- I hung out with JB and made him come a bunch of places with me to do things that i needed to do. I took my belly button ring out to put a new one in and i couldnt get either one of them to go back in. I went all the way to g-ville to the tattoo place and the guy said that i have to wait a month and then i can come back and get a new one. It sucked pretty bad and i was pretty upset so that meant fighting with JB and doing 80 on 846 on the way home. After that we got back to his house to go to church and i was all ready to go but i had an anxiety attack and couldnt. He was supposed to come over after but i ended up falling asleep and didnt wake up until after 11. I really hated that i did that because i wanted to see him. I called him and he broke up with me. I think it was because he didnt want sex(being a church boy) and i had sex with him(for 10 secs) and it scared him away. He said he doesnt want to do anything anymore, not kiss or anything and he said that he will have a gf again once he can stop masturbating(sp). Which i have no idea when that will be but im not going to wait on him. If im free when he wants me back maybe ill date him again but im not sure. its hard not having sex and being horny all the time. Everyone knows im a sex addict I cant help it. I went to his house after he told me that on the phone and we both sat in the car crying and talking about things and then i got one last kiss(the 2nd grader kiss as brian called it) and then I left. I was speeding the whole way home just to get back home and be in my bed. I got on the internet after that and stayed up for a while and talked to him on the phone again and then i went to bed.

Friday-I got up really late when i was supposed to be at work and then i went back to sleep. Some meds i took made me all funny. I cant stand them and they are the ones that the dr. gave me for my nerves.  I ended up driving ashley to the mall and she had to drive home because i couldnt drive at all. it was horrible. the whole way home i just kept falling asleep, so when i got home i went to sleep until 7 and then got back up. I watched a couple of movies and was seeing if anyone wanted to do anything but no one did. Then i called matt to see if he could get something for me but he said no he couldnt but he had something and i could come over. I didnt have gas at the time so I just had Nick come and pick me up and take me over. I watched some of american wedding and got ring tones for my cell phone off the internet on my phone. after that i left and came home. I then decided to be a very nice ex-gf and take my ex-bf and his friend taco bell all the way out in g-ville. I went there and hung out with them until 4am and then decided to come home. I was driving kinda fast on the way home and the roads were wet so the car spun around and did a 360. It was scary. I had to call Jim and talk to him to calm myself down so i would be okay. After that i came home and stayed up until almost 6 knowing i was going to quit work this morning and then went to bed.

I got up today and called work and listened to what that bitch had to say. after that i listened to my dad fight with me, but he just called a truce as i was writing this. he said he is going to give me another chance so the car is mine again. i guess janeen was right lol. she said that she knew he would give the car back before the day was over. thanks janeen :) . I also realized something last night. You miss things once they are gone and i never really realized how much i missed a certain person until today/last night. I wish i had another chance in that department but i dont think i do, and if i wanted one i think i would have to change alot about me to get that person, but in the end it would be well worth it. my family loves him, i know deep down that no matter what i have said in the past that i still love him and care about him so much, i just hope that maybe things could have a chance and work out. :) everyone pray that it does work out :) well i think im going to get going now. i have a huge mess to clean in my room so i can take janeen some clothes later and maybe do something tonight :) ill update again sometime soon. :) check out the new pics of JB in me. they are on the same link as the last ones. cute but the relationship is over*<3
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