Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: Yea
Retarted?: oh yea
Ugly?: not to my face
Hot?: yeah
Fat?: yeah
Anorexic?: yes
A waste of space?: no
Useless?: no, but i def. feel that way
Smelly?: no
A S*ut?: yes
Beautiful?: yes
Smart?: Yea.
Quiet?: no
Boring?: No
An ass?: no
Rebel?: Yea
Conceited?: no
What are you wearing?: my "cum" element t-shirt and my cat in the hat boxers
Who are you talking to?: jb, and brian
How is the weather?: really cold....46 degrees and windy
What are you listening to?: jb talking to me about stuff
What/Who are you thinking about?: im thinking about chris and what is going on between him and i
What are you eating/drinking?: im drinking water....bottle number 3 since i came home at 12:15am
What are you looking forward to?: hanging out with chris again
What are you dreading?: the fact that i might lose chris forever
How are you feeling?: im feeling a little bit depressed
How is your hair?: down and curly
What time is it?: 2:03am
What are you annoyed by?: a few things lately
When Was The Last Time You...
Burped?: earlier today
Went to the movies?: about a month or more ago
Went out to eat?: last friday night with chris and his parents
Cried?: just a little bit ago
Threw up?: last week
Peed?: just a couple of mins ago
Went skating?: a long ass time ago, i think i was 12 or something.
Went for a walk?: a while ago when i went for a walk in the park.
Ate ice cream?: tonight
Got into a fight?: physical-a long time ago, just talking fighting-last night w/chris.
Do you do drugs?: nope, quit.
Do you have a mental disablity?: ummm...no.
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: yes
What kind?: social anxiety disorder
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: anxiety disorders, depression, and bipolar disorder
Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: jb(im on the phone w/him right now)
Yelled at?: chris last night
Kissed: chris...hahah or ashley if you count that.
Hugged?: chris
Went out to eat with?: chris and his parents
Flirted with?: chris...i flirt with him all the time
Talked to on the phone?: jb, im talking to him right now
Gotten flowers from?: smitty for homecoming
Danced with?: umm, im not sure.
Fought with?: my parents
Worried about?: chris
Cried over?: chris
Thought about?: chris
Are you...
Understanding?: for the most part
Pretty?: some days
Nice?: yeah
An ass?: can be
Hard to get?: yeah
Confident?: sometimes
Depressed?: yeah
Hyper?: yeah...depends on my mood.
Friendly?: to almost everyone i meet.
Hungry?: it depends on my mood
Original?: I try to be.
Shy?: Sometimes.
Emotional?: hell yeah
Messy?: haha hell yeah...you should see my room right now, i cant even sleep in it.
Immature?: when i feel like acting like a kid.
Sad?: sometimes
Trusting?: yeah, but it depends on the person, i always say that everyone gets trust when i first meet them, if they break the trust then they earn it back.
Healthy?: haha no way, im sick all the time.
Sleepy?: right now....not really.
Lonely?: yes for right now i am
Romantic?: yeah :)
Do you drink alcohol?: yes
Do you party a lot?: not really
How often do you use the word "like" in an average hour?: hahah a lot of times. im not sure why but i do.
Do you skip classes? yes hahah even though im only doing homeschool.
Do you steal?: when i was a kid i used to, sometimes i steal money from my parents.
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: sometimes
Do you drool over celebrities?: haha not really...i guess adam brody would be one though...mmmmm
Do you watch a lot of TV?: sometimes, i guess because i sit near a tv while i do school most of the day
Do you ever watch the News?: yes, i watch the fox news channel all the time
Do you read books often?: i read a book or more a week.
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: not really i spend most of my time at home and then some of my time with my friends.
Do you smoke cigarettes?: yeah
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens*?: i hardly ever go to the mall.
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: not that often.
Do you cuss a lot?: yeah
Are you desperate to fit in?: no, i could pretty much care less what people think.
Are you intelligent?: for the most part
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: it depends on where im going
Make-up?: sometimes
Low-cut tops?: yeah thats what i have boobs for lol
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: sometimes
Giggle a lot?: if someone can make me giggle
Read YM, Teen, Cosmo, at all?: yes
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
Cried: yes
Bought something: yes
Gotten sick: nope
Sang: yeah
Eaten: yeah
Been kissed: yes
Felt stupid: yeah
Met someone new: nope
Moved on: no :(
Had a serious talk: yes
Missed someone: yes
Hugged someone: yes
Fought with your parents: yes
What are some of your pet peeves: when people drive slow, when people forget to put on their turn signal, people who dont brush their teeth(jb), and people who think they are the shit.
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: yeah i have before
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yes
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really, ive been with alot of different types of guys.
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): yes
Want someone you don't have right now: yes
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you want kids: one more, as long as i get a girl.
Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no i have no idea, that is up to fate to decide for me.
Are you happy with you: sometimes....well besides my looks at times.
Are you happy with your life: not really
If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be? : i need a job, i need to finish up high school and i need to become stronger
Pierce your nose or tongue? i already have both of those
Be serious or be funny? it depends on the situation
Do you have a crush? yes
Who is it? chris
[Your personal 411]
name: brookelynne
phone number: if you know me, you know it :)
where do you live: sharon
Your friendships
Bestfriend(s): im not really sure that i have a best friend but i feel like a few people i can consider best friends.
Friend you can't stand but couldn't live without: hmmm im not sure about this one, depends on my mood.
Friend you fight the most with: i really dont "fight" with my friends
Friend you never fight with: ashley
Sweetest friend: janeen and chris
loudest friend: i dont think i have a loud friend, unless its myself because im really loud, and chris can be loud sometimes
Most talent: no idea
most outgoing: me
[Dating 411]
Dating status: single for now
Last relationship (if you're in one right now the one you had before this one): im not in one right now so i would have to say when i was dating jb.
Why'd it end: he broke up with me because he doesn't believe in a lot of things that i do.
who ended it: him
Do you like someone: Yea.
Do they like you: Yea.
what do you like about them: Everything and more
What's you're type: im not really sure that i have a certain type, it just depends on a person's personality..
Why are more and more teens getting pregnant: because they like to have unprotected sex.
Why are more and more teens becoming involved in gang: i have no idea.
{r friends]
Would you ever date any of your friends of the opposite sex: i would have a while ago, but now i would date chris.
would you date you're best female friends: nope haha well wait i might date ashley
Would you ever date a person of the same gender as you: haha no, i dont like girls like that.
Do you....
have sex: yeah
believe oral sex is sex: no
drink: yes
ever give people lap dances: yes i have before
get high: not anymore
Would you......
Ever give anyone a strip tease: yes...depending on the person
strip for 50thousands dollars: hell yeah :)
Pose nude: haha maybe...if i were to be a pornstar or in playboy
Make a porn movie with you're lover: haha hell yeah :) i think that would be hella kinky.
What's your outlook on life: it gives you so many challanges....but in the end it seems to be worth it. you learn a lesson and know better the next time.
enjoy life: for the most part
could your life be better: It always can be better.
miserable over anything right now: not really. im learning to deal with things a little bit better.
Are you worried about anything right now: yeah im a little worried about something