Dear Author

Jun 28, 2013 11:50

For the rarepairfest

Dear Author,

I'm really looking forward to what you come up with! I'm very open when it comes to fic, and I'm sure I'll adore whatever you write. I'll provide you with a few general likes and dislikes to get the ball rolling, and then I have a couple pairing specific things below. Please note that I value creativity more than anything, so let your imagination run wild and don't feel obligated to fulfill any of the prompts I might have provided for a pair. If you have a different idea that you think I'd like, go with it!


I like canon compliant stories, but am also very much into AUs. Feel free to go in whatever direction inspires you. I like happy endings, or at least hopeful ones. I’m a huge fan of hurt/comfort. I love strong, assertive women. When it comes to het, I prefer it if the woman is the dominant one in the relationship. When it comes to m/m I like a bit of manhandling and any size differences to be played up. I also really like clothes sharing and domesticity, but at the same time I’m just as happy to read something dark and a little twisted.

I do not like character death, non-con, rape, character bashing of any sort or underage.


Jo Harvelle/Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle/Adam Milligan, Jo Harvelle/Bela Talbot
I don’t really have individual prompts, but I’ll just say that Jo was one of my favorite characters so I would be thrilled to see anything written with her. She never had a chance to meet any these characters on screen but I think the possibilities are endless. I’d be happy with anything from her off hunting on her own and running into one or more of these characters, to an entirely AU situation.

Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester
This is going to sound sort of strange, but you know how Dean remembered Jo as his sister in the It’s a Terrible Life ‘verse? Well, I’ve always wanted to see Dean Smith/Jo Smith. Whether you want to take it an entirely AU route and have them actually be siblings or just have them believing they’re siblings (while still under Zachariah’s influence). The ‘this is dirty/bad/wrong’ conflictions would be delicious and what can I say? This fandom has really gotten me into incest.

However, Dean/Jo is a pair that I love under any circumstance so you totally don’t have to write that situation if you aren’t comfortable with it. I just wanted to put it out there. :)

Tessa/Dean Winchester
I like to think that Tessa has grown a little fond of Dean, and Dean of her. I’d like to see anything written about the times they’ve encountered one another when Dean is between worlds. And as excited as I was over the prospect of Dean becoming Death for a day with Tessa as his guide, that episode left a lot to be desired so I’d also love to see someone take that idea and run with it a little further.

Teen Wolf

Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Lydia Martin/Erica Reyes
While I really enjoy Allison and Lydia's friendship, I enjoy the dynamic between Lydia and Erica just as much. For either of the pairs I’d love to see an experimental, friends-with-benefits turned into something more, sort of situation. Or, anything else you might come up with.

Also, I haven’t seen any of the third season yet and I’m not sure if I’ll be caught up by the time my story is posted so I’d prefer to not have any spoilers from it.

Warm Bodies

R/Julie Grigio
I would love to see something written after the events in the book (or movie). I’d like to see Julie help and support him as he gradually becomes human again, and how it affects their relationship. I’d also be open to something while he’s still a zombie, either when they first meet and share time on his plane or when they're traveling together. I'd be thrilled with anything, really - this is a pair I was eager to read fic for and I was disappointed to find that there wasn't really anything in terms of a fandom.

It’s noted in the book that the zombies remember relationships and sex, and still go through the motions. I’d like to see R and Marcus turning to each other for that sort of comfort. A friends with benefits kind of thing, maybe, but at the same time entirely empty since they can’t really feel anything for one another or even perform.


Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov
I love what we’ve seen of Pepper and Natasha’s relationship and I’d love to see it fleshed out a little on another level. I imagine Pepper would be continuously impressed by what Natasha is capable of, but at the same time I think Natasha would be equally impressed (albeit more quietly) of what Pepper can accomplish as well. I’d love to see a little playfulness between them.

Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Steve Rogers
These are two pairings that I’ve always been interested in but have never given that much thought to. So I don’t really have any ideas for them but I’d be happy to see where your imaginations might take them.

Thank you in advance!
I'm looking forward to reading whatever you come up with :)


rarepairfest, letter to author

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