no more full time job for me now. this means i can sleep in late. just arthouse now. however, along with this comes me having very little money so back to job searching. i think i'm not going to think about that for a while right now though cause i need to relax for a while
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when i went to pick up my kitty from the animal shelter yesterday, i found out that she has a history of being aggresive and violent with past owners and she's already been taken back to the animal shelter twice. so she's a bad kitty, and i'm back searching the kitty market.
a lot of good things are happening. I have my apartment now and it's all good. i just made a cake for the fourth of julyso my house smells really good. i got approved today to adopt a cat from the town lake animal sheler. i think i'm gonna get this one name snowey, it's white and one eye is golden and one is blue and it's old and fat. i'm in love
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So i'm all moved in! saturday night was my first night! However, i'm already getting bored/lonely. no cable/internet is a problem. Jane and I are going to look at cats after work today. They're on clearance sale during June @ the Town Lake Animal Shelter since June is breeding season for them or something.??? I need a feline friend to snuggle with
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so i'm back at werk eatin my maruchan instant lunch chicken with vegetables flavored noodles and answerin da phonez. my cheeks aren't puffy anymore, well they are a little bit. i'm outta drugs to take so i guess it's all over. i still have a bruise on my arm where they stuck the IV in me. i wish i saw karla more. and sarah too. and i miss clare a
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